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Poor Charlie, he got caught, forced to stand there frozen in a half stride dash from off her front porch, his finger still up and indignant, while his right foot remained elevated off the ground. Only his eyes moved and they were shifting side to side as he wondered why his ability to move was all but gone.
"Crystal, my great and old friend, do as you see fit to these two boys that caused you to fall from your resting place. One here, that one standing there by the railing, she pointed again at poor, scared, and frozen Charlie, he wishing he had not become as angry and then indignant!
She then turning to look at me said, "Now for this one he was a follower, but willingly entered my home and was ready to do anything, even steal!" Miss Smyth said, she talking to her crystal friend. The scene explained to the crystal, it began to fluoresce, changing to many varied colors. As from it beamed a blood red and like a ray, it placed a beam of red light at as all over and around Charlie.
At the instant the beam hit Charlie, his mouth opened as if wanting to scream. His face and jaw contorted, muscles knotting, as if bunching into nasty feeling cramps and then something strange a worse, all over his face he had sprouting black hairs. His eyes liked to have bugged out of a head, he began looking different then the one he was born. He strained to cry out, maybe begging for mercy, or God knows what, but his face began to change drastically.
Oddly he began to work his jaw like having a mouth full of something. His lips swelled and nose too, both turning black in color. While young eyes strained to explain what he was feeling, his ears sprouting out from the sides of his head, this told much of what was the justice of his dues. Oval the reshaping of his ears, as they grew became covered with short black hair. His ears began moving, they flopping to and fro as if showing how nervous Charlie was right then.
A deep breath and Charlie opened his mouth allowing a blackened, huge as long tongue to jut out.
He let loose a scream of terror. Scream he had tried to before but would not come, but what issued forth from passing of black lips sounded of him feeling great sorrow for what he felt, realized, and saw he was becoming as if born of a bovine. His head was taking the squared shape of a bovine form. Bulging was his forehead as it gained massive bone, as his skull grew outwardly spreading apart his still bugged eyes. Long feeler hairs sprouted from his chin, growing out they seemingly made his head look totally bovine.
The reddish glow continued to encircle Charlie, it rolling in cycles the waves of changes, forcing his shoulders to gain mass; he looked for a moment like some enormous bodybuilder type. Then his chest and ribs expanded, moving again his shoulders, forcing him to raise his arms out in front of a chest flared of new muscles. At this the shirt and his undershirt split, ripping in three sections from the growing mass of a body forced to change.
Huffing his breathing like a steam locomotive working its train up a steep hill, Charlie breathed with harsh and growing deep breaths. Charlie saw and felt his humanity fade, he was becoming of what that Crystal saw of my friend as better use of flesh and a life.
I watched in horror, expecting Charlie to be soon standing on all fours, he by then was mooing. A sound he made that suggested of someone frightened by such changes, he as begging, pleading for mercy. A swirl of black smoke encircled all of Charlie, it spun around him, exciting from his then black skin a pelt of thick black fur. At that the belt buckle popped loose and allowed his cut off jeans to drop, piling about his feet.
"Brash and boldness becomes as attributes of a changed form and a new lifestyle, you young Charles needs to learn for a few years of walking the earth as does a bull, which might make your indignation mellow!" Miss Smyth said, while her crystal continued working the miraculous changing on Charlie.
As I could but watch and he stood there could do nothing but accept the changing of his body, it was of mutual interest when the indignant finger poised began to soften, it and the other fingers on his hands seemed to melt, changing color, and solidified, formed on him as cloven hooves. His arms too changed from being human but black and furry, did pop as joints realigned making forelegs, while his shoulders seemingly drew in closer together.
Slowly the allowing of movement began of Charlie, he allowed to stop his balancing on one foot, was granted to stand then on both feet, if not the fact that they like his legs were showing great changes. With good reason to be nervous as from what was happening to his body, Charlie began to do a dance with his feet, moving from one foot to the other. This dancing about helped to make his shoes come off and like with what happened to his fingers, then toes became as cloven hooves.
Charlie, I was sure never or ever fantasized for him wishing to be a bovine animal. Yet for him his body was looking as if he would soon be as one, if that Crystal had its way.
The changes I saw going on below his waist, made me groan. My imagination was working overtime giving me odd sensations and worse yet making me almost wish I could join him, he, Charlie my friend becoming as a Bull. Seeing him moo and bellow his cries, I watching his face as it no longer resembled anything human, Charlie was then like any common bovine.
My good friend doomed to be a bull, all because we dared to enter this, her royal home!
Bovine Charlie gave a shivering shudder that made Miss Smyth laugh. He acting as still nervous and for good reasons why, he danced on his cloven hooves, they made a funny clatter on the concrete sidewalk. She laughing at his predicament, she stood up and walked down the porch steps to stand facing Charlie. She smiled a grin the like I had never before seen her do, as then with a quick hand she reaching with a swift tug, jerked away the partially torn underpants granting Charlie his last bit of privacy.
To this, Charlie screamed or bellowed a long moo. This cry coming as another gut busting bellow of terror. Now he and I could see what he was feeling, being so nervous was not from a personal need, but because of a very strange sensation.
I stood mouth open and eyes starring, there before me was Charlie now naked and not the way I remembered him. We had gone skinny dipping many a time before and I saw his puny package. Yet, now he sported two, soft ball sized testicles, slung low in a hairy sack, and hung down to his hind hocks. His penis seemed gone from his deep groin, but as my eyes panned upward, there was this hairy knob jutting out from his belly. A nervous tail came swatting from behind Charlie, it part of his squared off big butt. It slapped his broad thighs and as much signaled his completion of change.
Written by Kevin Rooste
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