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That fool stupid sanitarium, was for the coming months a place that did nothing to me accept to instill and arouse me to exhort male attendants and one female nurse to enjoy me and I them. They became as impassioned as I, their intent desire to seek and feel of me and making me hornier, by the day. Something even worse, after seeing it happen to a friend, my mind called out to Miss Smyth, for I had a question?
Ron, more than just a good friend was now a regular lover. He came and would if needed pay any price for being close to me, and him to find countless hours of continued pleasures. It was on a December night when as he rolled off from me, he lying there on the bed I saw his maleness. It reminded me of Charlie, he had much larger balls, all furry and held slung in a furry sack they hung very low between his thighs. Odd yet was his penis had burrowed up his abdomen and jutted out an inch below his navel. Hairy it was with the same knob like pouch what Charlie had now. His penis too, when stood out erect was pointed and turned upward, hot, oily, and flared red; it was just as I remembered that of poor Charlie.
Miss Smyth answered in her mind melding manner, she seemed amused at my wondering, and then informed me that those seeking my bodily pleasures on a regular basis would of their own racial heritage and nature, begin to become as an animal, in body first and then, if they liked it, as of mind. Ron was just my best and over repeated engagements, his body grew hairy, his maleness became that of a dog, and he grew paws to replace worthless toes.
We rolled in the petting zoo hayloft one winter's day. The snow and cold were not any concern as our passion generated more than enough heat. It was on that romp when Ron having long since seen his changes and thought they were neat, found his arms to be changing. The third mounting was from my rear and Ron was huffing, thrusting harshly, and making barking sounds.
When he had exploded his eighth time his mind seemed to capture the thought, he was doing it as an animal would. He cried to me but what issued forth his mouth was the bark of a horny male dog. It was for him the last straw and with his round of humping his body cursed; he being then as my new pet, a Mastiff big dog.
Ron became a beastly friend for a short time until the spring of the year; when a large dog became more all dog and began finding bitches of his liking he ended up getting caught by the dog catcher and taken to the shelter.
The doctor there managing me at the sanitarium knew of my many fun times with his staff, but since I was confirmed as sterile, he thought it a good way to keep me under control. He did not catch the drift of what was happening, his staff, certain members who failing to show up for work after a weekend, and the growing number of male animals there in the sanatorium petting zoo should have sparked in him a inkling.
Karen was the one female nurse who saw and found my body to her wilder delight. She would do anything to fondle, suckle or lick at me, the essence of her joy made her ill. Sick and getting sicker the more of my milk she would suck, the more she looked like me, until she went comatose. The coma sleep did the rest, as she metamorphic like changed over seven days, becoming a beautiful Irish Connemara pony mare.
There was Ben, he a Norwegian of heritage made of him a fine stallion Fjord pony. He accepted his changing well, willingly entered the petting zoo stable at the sanitarium, meeting soon with Karen, they became great friends and lovers. There were others, and they failed from family heritage to be as beautiful equines, one became a bull, was gelded and lived in the petting zoo as a steer. Another was quite sheepish about our relationship and now has wool to keep him warm.
The others who saw me and came to discover my and their greatest of sensual delights, discovered from their seeking and suckling a change of form, and soon too a wholly new lifestyle and future.
Written by Kevin Rooste
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