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As you slowly slip back into a conscious state, you are aware of a very full feeling, as well as a lot of weight pulling down on you. As you open your eyes, you immediately see what it is. You have put on a lot more weight since you last saw yourself. The jogging outfit you wear is now skin tight, a ponderous sphere which is your belly now hangs out of the wide gap between the shirt and waistband. You try to rise, but are met with considerable resistance as your shifting bulk rolls to one side, momentarily trapping one of your arms beneath it. You heave yourself upwards, and end up rolling onto your belly, which spreads across the ground like melting ice-cream. You push yourself up onto your hindpaws and notice that your belly has formed a permanent barrier between your nose and feet. Still a little unconvinced that this is indeed you, you are about to pinch yourself when you remember that last time it cut. You poke a finger carefully into your stomach and feel it sink in, the claw tip grazing the sensitive flesh. This is definitely you.
As you take a shaking step toward the opening in the wall, where a short distance away you see the remains of a door lie scattered, you hear the sound of footsteps. It suddenly stops. The situation is turning from bad to worse; not only have you discovered that you are doomed to a life of furry obesity, but someone is standing right behind you...
Written by Jack (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)