How good is the story?
5: An absolute must-read
4: Worth reading multiple times
3: Worth a read
2: Possible read, if it looks interesting
1: I wouldn't recommend it to anyone
What causes the transformations?
AM: Advanced medical technology
AS: Advanced science
AX: Changes of humans by aliens
CM: Current medical technology
DT: Travel between dimensions
EC: Result of evolutionary change
EM: Evolutionary genetic manipulation
GM: Genetic manipulation
MA: Magic (cast on those transformed)
MC: Magic (caster transformed)
NA: Natural ability
NT: Nanotechnology
RE: Reincarnation
SY: Symbiosis
VI: Virus
VR: Virtual Reality
OT: Other
What transformations occur?
AN: Animal characteristics
AP: Astral projection
AR: Age regression
AT: Artificial telepathy
BC: Bodies combined into one
BM: Body metamorphosis
BT: Brain transplant
BX: Body totally transformed
EA: Evolutionary ability
GC: Gender changes
HG: Hermaphroditic changes
IN: To/from inanimate object
LY: Lycanthropy
MD: Decrease in mental power
MP: Increase in mental power
MR: Mental recordings
MT: Mind transfer
MU: Mind transfer--unwilling
MX: Minor body transformation
PE: Personality changes
RM: Racial metamorphosis
RP: Reverse possession
SC: Shape changers
SP: Spiritual possession
ST: Soul transfer
TD: Telepathic disguise
TT: Mind transfer through time
VA: Vampiric ability
ZC: Size change
OT: Other
How important are they?
+: Story revolves around the changes
0: They're reasonably important
-: They're incidental to the story
How much are they described?
+: In great detail
0: In average detail
-: "Poof! He was a wolf."
How many changes occur?
+: They happen frequently
0: They happen from time to time
-: They're rare
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