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You tell the Executioner to hold on for a moment, and open the book back up. Flipping through the pages, you come across several different ways that kimono theft is handled, but nothing really relevant to your situation, until reaching the final page. There, in fine print, are these words:
Regulation 125 Subsection X:
Executioner(s), barring the Not-so-Grand and Mediocre Executioner(s), shall adhere to the following two precepts, on penalty of immediate death by embarassment following being chained, naked, to the fountain in the center of the singer girls' private bath, should aforesaid Executioner(s) be wearing a kimono(s).
Firstly, under no circumstances should said Executioner(s) reprimand a bewildered time traveler for transforming into a large firebreathing reptile in a public place (if aforesaid is also wearing a kimono).
Secondly, no Executioner(s), while wearing kimono(s), shall curtsey, for this is considered by all to be, quote: "Both rude and obnoxious" Unquote.
You think "YES! I can get out of this!" and shove the book under the Executioner's nose. He reads the page, and as his eyes follow the words, he gradually develops a lecherous smile.
Giving you a wink, he turns to the crowd. "I have just been informed of a law I was not aware existed, and must put into effect, for the sake of my honor. The perpetrator of this grievous offense, is... me. The punishment? You must drag me through the streets, naked, to the private bath of the singer girls, and chain me to the fountain in its center, whereupon I shall die of embarassment. It is with a heavy heart, and many regrets, that I accept this punishment." He holds out his hands, limp at the wrists. The crowd gathers around him, strips off his clothes, and drags him away. You think, "Ok, I'm clear of that predicament, but what do I do now?"
Written by CatmasterZ (edited by wanderer)