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"Hmm... that sounds like a good idea..." you state, in between mouthfulls of ice cream. "Why don't we do that?"
"Er- I wanna eat my ice cream first." injects Fred, who can't exactly walk and eat at the same time.
"Hah, of course." Rex replies. "Let's finish our snack. We can get this stuff any time. Free to employes." Rex grinns.
So the three of you continute to pig out on your tubs of ice cream. The tubs are quite large-- it's a nice deal. A few blissful moments later, you all throw your empty tubs to the side and haul yourselves up. Getting up is a little harder than normal, though. All that ice cream makes you feel heavier!
As the three of you walk towards Rex's headquarters, you get into some more idle chitchat about working at the park, and the recent run-in with the field trip. "I was totally astounded with what this new weight added to my overall charisma as a park mascot. The kids loved me!" he exclaimed, in glee. "You totally got all of the action, though," he noted, pointing at you. "Maybe some day I'll get to be as big as you are. Geez, you seem to get fatter every time I look at you!"
At first you weren't really sure whether this was a compliment or an insult, but the admiration in his voice made it impossible to be offended by his statement. Too bad that the sudden realization you made ruined the moment.
"Wait a second--" you stammer, as you reevaluate your size. You rub your hands over your bloated furry gut, which distends quite a ways in front of you. You put your arms around your belly, and realize that your hands are further apart than they were before. In fact, you feel a strange warmth emiting from your skin, as if your muscles were working overtime.
"Oh my. Fred, I think there were some side effects..." you trail off, as you notice that Fred looks heavier as well. He doesn't look like he has it as bad as you do, though, but he has also rounded out a bit more than he was previously.
"What? What's wrong?" asks Rex.
"That ice cream was the first thing I've eaten since I took those pills," you reply, "and well, I'm almost positive that I've gained a good deal of weight..."
Of course, you wouldn't have noticed it before. You're so fat, that any change would go unnoticed. But now you notice it. Your shirt, which never fit you in the first place, rides even further up your upper torso, covering your well endowed pectorals and nothing more. Your belly, which is probably near ten or eleven feet in circumference, hangs heavily over your knees, putting up a fight with every step you take. Your full arms rest idily to each bloated side, almost as if your massive love handles are emulating armrests. The width of your legs creates the illusion that you've gotten shorter, even though your size hasn't decreased in any way, shape, or form. Your neck has bloated out and begun to roll down your chest, putting new tears in your grossly-undersized shirt collar. Your face is round and flabby, each of your cheeks resting like softballs upon your oversize neck.
Well, this is the same description of you from before you ate all that ice cream, right after you took the pills. You were just the teensiest bit smaller, if you can fathom that.
"Hmm... that's no good." Rex says. "Well, maybe it is. I'm sure the kids will love it!" You grin humbly back at him, not exactly sure if you're predicament is a good one. "Yeah, sure."
So soon enough, the three of you arrive at Rex's room. And he wasn't lying- it was a tight squeeze! You go in first, followed by Frank. At this point, the room is as full as it's ever been. And even then, Rex forces himself in, squeezing in between you and his desk. He apologizes in advance, as he backs up into you, squishing deep into your vast gut. He quickly pulls open his desk drawer and extracts a map. He unrolls it on the surface of the desk, and the three of you crowd around it (well, at least as much as you can. Rex finds himself trapped between both your flab and Frank's).
"Alright, so where would we find animatronic penguins playing ukeleles near a hut?"
Rex looks up at you. "You know, I think I actually know exactly where your talking about!"
Written by eorpheus
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)