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You run to the fridge in hyper-speed, opening it faster than a blink and take out a delicious looking cupcake. It's a nice chocolate lava cupcake, with a very tasty looking white topping that has some neat rainbow colored sprinkles on it. "Now that I'm going to die, i can finally eat you!" you say, talking to the cupcake.
As you are about to take a bite, that squirrel notices that cupcake. The squirrel starts drooling like there's a waterfall coming out of it's mouth, then it runs to you and points the Sentinel to your head. "Give me that cupcake!" yells the squirrel at your face. "No way!" "Gimme Gimme GIMME!" yells the squirrel as it nearly pulls the trigger to kill you. "No I'm not giving you the cupcake!" you yell at the squirrel. The squirrel hits you with the gun's butt and you faint.
You wake up 2 hours later, "OH MY GOD WHERE IS THE CUPCAAAAAKE!" You yell. Suddenly you hear a mysterious beeping noise, it's coming from your chest. You look at your chest and find a bomb attached to it. "Oh jeez, what am i gonna do?" You ask yourself nervously as you are listening to the beeping of the bomb, afraid that the next beep you hear will be last thing you'll hear before dying.
And then, a man emerges from that dark corner, with quite a creepy face. You stare at him in fear as he approaches you. "Let's see what you can do.." He slowly says, creeping the curd outta you. "W-w-what?" You say. "This bomb will explode in exactly one minute from now, you have to find a way to defuse it before it explodes, because if it does, you know what will happen.." Says the man, just before he turns into ash.
"ooooooooooooooooh myyyyyyy gaaaAAAAAAAAWWWD!" You yell in fear as you are trying to open the bomb and attempt to defuse it. You try with all your strength, but you can't, the beeping becomes louder.. and faster.. just like your heartbeats. You finally managed to open the bomb's cover, but that's not it, there's a couple of wires here, and a timer, which reads "00:15". That's right, you got fifteen seconds, and 6 wires to choose from. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, and Black. As you are panting very quickly, looking at the wires nervously, trying to choose which one to cut, you cut the yellow one. The timer stops at exactly "00:02". "OH thank god.." you say as you release a big sigh.
As you are trying to get up, the man appears again, and the bomb starts beeping again. "nnnnnnnNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" You yell.
Written by Derpster Pro
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