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Hidden talent and down time

You feel bad enough about what's happened without more guilt for ruining Fred's floor. You don't want to leave Fred to clean it all up on his own. "Maybe next time Albert," You say, "I need to at least try and help clean up my messes. I may be a demon, but I want to do my best not to act like one."

"That's fine," says Albert, "I'll see you two later."

Albert leaves and Fred goes about gathering some spare wooden floor planks from the storage shed. You on the mean time, look at the planks and wonder if you can even carry any, given your height now is barely above Fred's knees.

"Don't worry, we'll get it together," says Fred, and pulls one end of a long plank. You grab ahold of it as well and lift...

... it right up in the air, with Fred still on it!

"WOAH!" yells Fred, surprised as you are, "Put me down!" Which you do as carefully as you can. "Um... big things come in small packages?" you suggest, looking at your slender physique. "I'll say, do it again!" says Fred excitedly, his tail wagging back and forth.

You easily pick up plank after plank and clear the hole in only a few minutes. "You know, we have to get you to arm wrestle Albert now," he says, a sly look in his eye. You laugh despite yourself. "Hey, I wonder what else you can do!" says Fred, now curious. "That demon seemed to have a lot of tricks, I bet he didn't even scratch the surface."

"Um.. no, I don't think I want to do that," you say, thinking of all the things the demon did. "He turned Albert into a... muscle block, I don't think I want to know how to do that kind of stuff." you say, shivering a little at the thought. Fred reconsiders, "Yeah, maybe that's not a great idea." he agrees.

You begin placing planks over the hole, easily fitting them in place while Fred Hammers them down. "This is a lot easier then I thought it would be," says Fred, hammering down the last nail. "That will do for now, it'll need sanding and sealing of course, but it'll be good for now."

Fred's stomach grumbles. "All that work sure builds an appetite, time for a snack." he says, heading for the kitchen, "Hey, how about you load up a game, I need to get you back for your all-nighter," he calls. You go over and get the game, and Fred comes in with several bowls of snacks. "Fred, I don't eat," you say, seeing what is clearly what is meant for two. "Oh... right, sorry, still not used to that," says Fred, sitting down and putting the snacks on the coffee table anyway. "Watch it," you say, "I had a big breakfast, don't go overboard." you say, a bit paranoid after all the events.

Fred looks at all the snacks, "Yeah, I think all this has me stress eating a bit," he says, "We need to relax a bit." He starts up the game and soon your both distracted trying to beat each others score. Fred is pulling ahead, mostly due to you getting a new... scent from him, different from this morning, spicy almost, hot. As Fred takes a few snacks another mixes into the first, like chocolate covered peppers, or a mix of samba and classical.

You soak it in while trying to concentrate on the game, getting somewhat lost in it. Before you know it, you hear the door open, and turn to see Albert walking in the door. He examines the repairs, "Looks good," he says, before walking over, 'Did you make dinner or anything?"

Fred looks at the clock, "Woops, guess we lost track of time," he says, and you look to see you two have been playing for a good 8 hrs. "Give me a sec, says Fred, getting up, and pauses, rubbing his stomach, and you see the snack bowls are empty, and there are a few more littered about, showing Fred had gone for more when he got up to relieve himself. "Crap, I kinda zoned out," he says, rubbing a swollen stomach. "Fred, I told you not to," you say, worried. "Ok, ok, sorry, I won't do it again." he promises. He hurries off to the kitchen, and puts a pot on the boil, pulling out a spaghetti box and some sauce to make Albert dinner.

"I didn't really see anything unsual," says Albert, sitting down, "We probably won't see anything right away," he admits, "That guy seemed like he was the patient type. hopefully he doesn't start anything until Angela get's here."

"When is she going to get here?" you ask, hoping it is soon.

"She has to get out of the jungle, book a flight, gather some supplies from home and catch a flight to us." lists Albert, "It could be a few days, could be a week, we just have to hold up and keep in contact."

Fred comes out with a big bowl of spaghetti, then serves some on a plate for Albert. "You not eating?" he asks you and Fred, noting the lack of any plates.

"Um.. I don't... can't eat anymore." you say solemnly.

"And I ate before you got home," says Fred, not wanting to say he stuffed himself on snacks.

Albert looks at you two, shrugs, and digs in, "More for me then." he says.

After Albert finishes, Fred covers the left overs and put them in the fridge. Albert falls asleep on the couch and you head to your room. You hope Angela gets here soon, though you are also kinda scared as well, since your own fate is still undetermined with her. You hope tomorrow will be better then today...

Written by an anonymous author

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