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Your brain whirls. You'd have a better idea of where to look, but might get too fat to do anything about it. Of course, if you keep looking, you might not find it at all. If only there were a way to have your cake and eat it...
A thought screams in your mind, and you clamp down on your facial muscles. You casually look up from the paper and say, "How do I know that you'll give me a proper clue?"
There's a pause, and then the leprechaun appears before you. "Ach, I couldna' fin' a rhyme tha' worked. Thy clue'll be right 'cause it's part of th'game. I got te play by th'rules."
"Like chess."
The leprechaun grins gleefully. "Aye, tha' be a fine game! Bu' this be more fun! I spell a poor, greedy pup like yerself, then lead them a merry dance."
"How do I know you won't move your gold before I find it?"
He looks genuinely shocked. "I couldna' do that! That'd be cheatin'! Why, I'd have m' riddling license revoked! Now, on wi' thy game, tubby. D'ye want th'clue or no?"
"What makes you think that I'm not playing a game with you?" You grin cockily. "What makes you think I haven't already found your gold, and I'm just stringing you along. Leprechauns have a high retail value, you know."
The little man stops dead for a second, then laughs like mad. "Ah, ye be tryin' to trick a leprechaun, now. That be in the rules, 'cause no one can trick a trickster like me. I've been watchin' ye, and tha hasn't found it yet!." He leaps around, cackling with glee.
"How do you know I haven't found it yet?" You shout.
"'Cause thy puppyfeet haen't gone near t'rainbow!" He looks at you, and his laughter dies away. A look of horror spreads on his face.
"Thanks for the clue." You smile smugly at him.
He screams with rage, then vanishes in a small incandescent thunderclap.
Written by Lupine (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)