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"So what's this secret you wanna tell me?" Said Alex, he and his best freind Koti were out for a midnight stroll...Actually, they are coming home from a concert, and they know what to expect when they go home... "Oh, um...about that, can I tell you a few weeks from now? How's Saturday next week?" Koti said, his face seemed to take on an expression of underlying anxiety. "Yeah, whatever, just make sure you don't bring your sister along like last time you told me your secret..." Alex face became grave as he thought about the scene, and then he laughed, memories like that rarely come often. After heading to his room and saying his goodbyes to Koti, Alex hopped into bed, his head still rumbling from the thrash of guitars and crowds of Goths and Rockers alike...Tonight had been a good night
Koti couldn't sleep, he had a slight fever, he guessed it was from all the activity he had at the concert...and the moshing... He looked outside, the night was cool and the air was fine, like after a nice rain. He wanted to go outside, he wanted to run free, free like the wolf he invisioned in his mind...Yes, free...
He heard a scratching noise at his window, and realized what it was right away, it scared him...for a second. "Damn wolves..." Alex growled, he got out of bed and got his baseball bat, opened up the window and attempted to beat the wolf on the head, only to realize it was a lot bigger and stronger than it was a few seconds ago. The wolf simply snapped at his bat and broke it into two nicely cut peices that splintered into the air. Holding the stump of his once deadly bat, Alex stared, transfixed by this horrible beast...That's no ordinary wolf... The wolf climbed into his window, snarling and growling and thrashing about. It disturbed everything around it as it moved towards Alex, who had backed into a corner. Unfortunately, his parents weren't home, he was there all by himself... About to scream, he realized his only hope was just that, scream. And that's exactly what he did. The wolf howled and bit at his arm weakly, as though something had distracted it, knocked it off gaurd...It's ears perked and it stopped snarling almost immediately, Alex yowling in pain at his small bloody wound. The wolf took off out of the window, never to be seen that night again, or ever for that matter...
"Are you serious?! A werewolf?!" Said Alex, he talked to Koti almost immediately after school was out, and both of them were quite astounded by the conclusion. "Yeah, that's what it must've been..." Koti said, they both walked in almost complete silence. "Say...you didn't get bit by any chance did you?" Koti said, he looked at Alex with bright eyes that seemed to peirce into Alex's very soul. Alex fidgeted with his long sleeve jacket, making sure the wound was well hidden, and replied "No". "Well, that's good..." Koti said with a sigh of relief. "What would happen if I did? I would turn into a werewolf?" Said Alex, his face seemed to be stuck between two very opposite emotions. "Well, according to legend...yeah..." Alex's heart skipped a beat, he really hoped that he didn't get bitten, he really hoped not... "The only way...I mean, if I did get bitten, to know if I will turn, is for a full moon to come...right?" Alex asked, he was hoping he didn't sound suspicious. "Uhuh, and there's one tonight...thank goodness you didn't get bitten, otherwise I would have to kill you..." Alex became very sick and decided that he would go straight home and to bed, he couldn't bare being next to Koti much longer, or anyone for that matter.
Alex couldn't sleep, he kept wondering if he had been bitten, or whether it had just been a wolf that was bigger than most...but those eyes...oh those eyes... "Good night Alex!" Said Alex's mom down the hall, he replied with a croak and closed his door, then sat down and stared out the window, he hoped that wolf would come back so he could kill it, and then burn its body to a crisp. Koti already knew, Alex's wolf was a werewolf, he just wondered who the werewolf was? And how would he go about telling Alex he hunted werewolves? What if he didn't believe him and laughed him to tears? Koti decided that he couldn't wait any longer and prepared to pick up the phone, but it rang for him, and indee it was who he hoped it was: Alex. "Look, I don't know what's going on here, but something really strange is happening to me, Koti! I keep on finding myself directing all my thoughts to killing people!" Alex was pacing, he wanted to talk louder, but at the threat of his parents waking up he kept his voice at a peircing hiss. "Just calm down, Alex...Mabye you had a nightmare or you're just-" "Dammit Koti! I got bit! I got bit, Koti!" Alex shreiked, and for some reason, those very words brought him to his knees in a bout of pain that radiated throuh his body like a shotgun. He groaned and stared at his hands, which now began to take on the look of paws, and rather rapidly at that. He felt his spine writhe and twist as it began to uncurl his tail bone, bringing him to his haunches as the tail took form. His teeth painfully took on those of a Wolf's as the muzzle began to stretch and cover with fur. His groan became low growls as the change went on, he could no longer stand on two legs, and he had doubled in size in a matter of minutes. "Alex! Alex! Alex are you there?!" Koti shreiked on the other line, only for Alex to grab the phone and crush it between his teeth, and before he knew it, all hell broke lose in his mind. No more were the laws of humans his laws, nor did he have to abide in them. Concious was a word of hate, no longer a word of sanity, and his thoughts were claws and fangs, no longer schoolwork and upholing one's dignity...The laws of hell were his to abide in now, and as he made his way to Koti's house, he thought of how much of a Curse it had been not to let his Inner Beast out... THE END
Written by Serine Wolphe
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