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The woman is thrown against the wall, and the fat man stands his ground, grimacing. "The unseleighe elves have destroyed our arms workshop in the north pole, and we were forced to retreat through our portal to our old stronghold. This is truly our last stand. We hope you can help," the fat man explains, pulling stone dust out of his beard after helping the woman up. "I am General Saint Nicholas and this here is my wife." He takes your hand suddenly and gives it a short squeeze. Another explosion, this time farther away, shakes the ground, knocking yet more dust off the ceiling and generating an unnerving creak from somewhere nearby.
Suddenly, two-dozen armed and armored elves about four feet high run screaming around a corner and clash with a giant bluish-purple stick-figured man wearing a cheap suit, a top hat, and brandishing a fearsome apple with which he seems to be employing to turn the onrushing elves into stone. "This does not look good," the woman says before uttering a few words. What appears to be a bizarre yellow underwater vessel appears within the hall, which is boarded by the now-retreating elves, the woman and Saint Nick. The jolly old general beckons to you frantically even as the portal begins to close. You look behind you and see a racoon-masked four-headed blue dog, the tall apple-wielding stick-figure and several mickey mouse-capped, racoon-masked blue fuzzballs with multibarrelled weapons bearing down upon you at frightening velocities.
Something large taps you on the shoulder and you turn to see a sneering (sneering? Yes, sneering!) blue hand slowly forming a fist, no doubt to squash you. You could either run out of the castle, attempt to locate their portal or join them on what appears to be an overloaded and unsafe submarine which appears to be preparing to sail into the sun for the nearby sea of green, which appeared out of the blue...er, green.
Written by Hypogryph
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