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You concentrate on the wolf withing you. Your Begin to sweat as you realize its happening.
A wave a raidiant heat flows through your body you look at your trembleing hands morph into paws and your figernails sprout and sharpen into claws.You scream in agony from the pain of bones moving.
The same thing hapens to your feet as you count 20 registered wepons.
Hair rushes on your body coming from your upper back. You realize your clothes arn't going to be useful so you rip them off and see your still human genitles. your balls are covered with fur as your penis changes and is covered by a sheath.
You take the golden lamp out and see your reflection. Your ears become furry, up right, and pointed. Your mouth and nose quickly combine forming a wolf-like muzzle.Sharp canines form from your measly human mouth. More teeth sprout in your jaw that looks like it could rip through anything.
You speek to yourself just to see if your sane. "What the hell?" Your voice has gotten deeper and rougher.
You are now a Anthro-wolf with amazing feats of agility and strength.
Written by Zach
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