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a girl forever

"I ain't gonna kill ya," Ruthak says offhandedly, and behind his helmet you see an exasperated look in his eyes. "But you didn't help me so I'm not going to change you back either. A deal's a deal."

He looks at the other guy. "Go on, get out of here," he says, and the human wastes no time in doing so. The Armored Dragon turns back to you. "You ran out on me though. I don't appreciate that. It's not polite."

You take a step back, but Ruthak reaches out and grasps your right shoulder with the claw on his left wing. He forces you to meet his gaze as his eyes narrow. "I'm not going to kill you," he emphasizes. "I'm going to do just the opposite." He pushes you back towards the wall and rises up on his haunches. Still holding your gaze, he snaps the claws on his right 'hand'. For a split second, a blast of fire rages up around you, but vanishes before you can feel it.

You look down at your unchanged -still female- body. "What did you do?" you ask.

The Armored Dragon tilts his head. "From this point forward, you shall never age beyond this day. Your body will be impervious to damage that you are willing to invite upon yourself. From this point forward, your spirit and all its future bodies shall take on the form of your current body."

You can only stare, shocked and confused. Ruthak drops down to all fours. Stretching his wings, he elaborates: "From now on, you're immortal; you won't get any older, ever. Unless something kills you, you're here to stay. But if you're willing to die or damage yourself, it won't happen. You're stuck as a girl, for pretty much forever. When you do eventually die, your soul will remain a girl; should you be reincarnated, you'll only ever be reincarnated as a girl. Forever."

Written by an anonymous author

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