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You have no clue what Kalibyrn is refering to, you only know you want to reverse what Morganna did, which was quickly becoming more complicated then you'd like. You give an angry growl. "Patience," says Kalibyrn, approaching you, "Yet's see if we can't verify this." he hold a claw up to your chest, "This might sting," he says, as a pin-point glow alights on his claw. You feel a slight tingle, a if something were penetrating your skin, and then feel something lurch within you. You cluth at your chest and feel something move, suddenly pushing itself out. You withdraw your hold to see Lysander's Sword sticking halfway out your chest. You give a surprised bellow of shock. "I wouldn't sqirm if I were you, it it materializes while in you I'm going to have a mess to clean up." says the dragon, taking the sword by the hilt and pulling it the rest of the way out.
You examine your chest for the hole that should be there, finding nothing. I hate magic, you think, tired of the endless twists it presents. "How'd that get in there?" caes Artie, flying to Kalibyns horn to get a better look at the sword. "As I suspected, When our friend here was cursed for a second time, the sword and glammer were sandwiched inbetween. The resulting mixtures of magic altered the final outcome of the curse and created this." He points at you, and you growl questioningly. "But that doesn't make sense," Artie says, "If that were the case, wouldn't he transform back when you removed the sword?"
"It this were still a mere transfigurations, yes, bt what we have here is something more, this is a 'becoming'," says Kalibyrn, with a gleam of intrigue in his tone, "You see, the two courts are opposites, night and day, light and darkness, male and female, I'm sure your familiar with the concept of yin and yang." You nod, though you don't know what it has to do with this. "Well, fae magic of one court is ultimatly incomplete, in order for something they've touched to remain, they have to will it to be. After a time, or under the right circumstances, the magic will eventually end. But when they combine, what you get is complete, balanced, WHOLE. The form you are in is not magically feuled, it IS what you are now. Whatever happens, this IS your true form now."
You stare in shock, you're STUCK LIKE THIS!? Even if you win, you're not going to change back!? You give an loud roar of outrage and anger. Why the heck did they get you mixed up in all this? "Calm down, this can be reverse, only..." he trails off, obviously unsure about the next bit, "In order to change you back, REALLY change you back, we need the magic of both courts as strong as the magics used to transform you."
"Good luck on that!" says Artie sarcastically, "Morganna? Undo her curse? You'll have better luck turning hell into a winter wonderland. And Lysander? He may be all light and day, but he's not about to work with Morganna. The only reason the fae don't already rule the world is because they're too busy sqwabbling amongst themselves trying to conquer the other court to bother with it."
"Still, it is the only way. I can take you to Lysander's domain, but only after I have the full power of my spark back. Fortunatly for you Morganna's gone and made something even she can't contain, and now that the sword is out of you, you no longer have any link to the fae binding you, so even cold iron shouldn't be a problem anymore. Just a bit more and you could simply storm in there and take my spark with no difficulty..."
Written by Dream Weaver
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