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You walk away from the mewling pile, the Giant clutches at it's eye, which oozes blood and fluids. You wouldn't kill it, you tasted the thing before, and nothing was hungry enough to eat that. Instead you have taught it a lesson, don't pet wild animals. You feel as if a weight if off your shoulders. It's a significant change, your not a man anymore, but your not an animal, but in a way your both, mingled and intertwined. You've let something loose, and quite frankly, you like it.
You thrust the gates open, letting in the long line of moonlight into the main hall. You remember when you came in the last time, Morganna had greated you in diguse. She stand there now, the facade gone, facing you as you stalk through the portal. "You've come back to your mistress. How loyal." she says, through the note of sarcasm does not escape you. "Spare the act Morganna," you say, your voice gruff and deep from the new shape, "You know I couldn't care less about you." Morganna's eyes reveal you caught her off guard. "So you talk now."
"Never forgot how," you chuckle, "You never really forget anything, just got to stop letting thinking get in the way." Really that was all there was too it, it was your body, the only thing getting in your way was self delusion and expectation, once you stoped letting your own thoughts get the better of you, you knew you could do whatever the hell you wanted to. "I guess I have you to thank for that, if you get out of my way now, I might be tempted to let you go."
"Let ME go!?" says Morganna, the pitch in her voice donating the recognition of the insult, "This is my Castle, you forget that I make the commands here." A crackle of electricity sparks from her fingertips as she flings a bolt your way. The bolt crackles inbetween your fur and discharges harmlessly. Morganna looks taken aback. "What's the matter?" you mock, "Thought you could pull the same trick twice?"
You ears pick up a small click, and instictually you move as a bolt flies past where your head was, you give out a laughing snarl, as you reach ou and pluck the projectile out of the air, spinning and flinging it back along it's path of fire. There is a red sprey in the air before the bolt embeds itself in the wall, and a goblin materializes from it's invisability, grasping at the bolt at it's shoulder that pins it to the stone. "And hiding behind a line of crossbows, my my, the queen of the night isn't that confident now is she." You can smell the goblins around the room, you could pick them out a mile away.
"How dare you..." begins Morganna, but you are already moving, in less then a second you have closed the distance, brushing the goblins aside before they have a chance to even aim, your clawed hand is around Morganna's neck, dragging her to the ground where you expose very sharp teeth. You can feel the goblins aiming at you. Though the hushed silence becomes deeper still, you now have their mistress life in your hand.
"Not so interesting when the animal you let lose bites back." you say, catching the scent of fear as for the first time in centuries, as the queen of the night feels doubt swell up in her as she tries to dematerialize, vanish, or teleport, but it fizzles, the cold iron that protects you keeping her in your grasp. You look her squarely in the eyes, "Now, I'm giving you a warning, you've pushed me into a very dangerous frame of mind, they only thing thats keeping me from ripping your throat out is the fact that I'm not hungry, so I suggest you quit trying to work up my appitite and cut your loses, because one more push, and I start pushing back, and I don't need to tell you where that will lead."
You push Moganna to the side, letting go and stalking off towards the corridor that leads to the court. Morganna chokes for breath, sitting up with an expression of shock and a bit of relief. Immediatly a few creatures rush in to attend their mistress, and you here crossbow bolts cocked in you direction. "Let him go." says Morganna, feeling at her throat. You can tell she's in ddep thought about this, she's not sure what to do, you are something beyond her now, something she has no hope of containing...
Written by Dream Weaver
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