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One day a bee came to spider city. The Spiders siezed him and brought him to the prison. They placed him in the web. The bee looked scared. "What are you here for?" said the spiders. "Please Spiders, I have left the bugs. I want to be here. They are evil and i want to live with you. They have rejected me and tried to give me to the scoripions for food." The spiders thought. Maybe this is a trap. Finnaly a big spider said. "If what you say is true. Then sing the spider song." The bee smiled, raising his hands begun to sing. "The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the waterspout. Down Came the rain, and washed the spider out. Out Came the Sun and dried up all the rain, and the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again". The Spider were suprised. "we will take you to the spider queen, she will decide. So they took the little bee to the spider queen. "your highness" Said the tarantulas. "this bee has come wishing protection. He says he is not like the bugs. He even willingly sang the spider song." The queen said "welcome bee, you will be protected in spider city as long as you wish." "Thank you your higness" said the bee. The spider princess went down to meet the bee. She brought him to meet me and the fairy. "Hello" said the bee. "so your the human all the bugs are after" "yep" i said. "Don't worry" said the princess "he has sworn allicence to the spiders" "yep" smiled the bee "I love it here already." the spider princess smiled "do you know what we do to new comers" she asked. "No" said the little bee. The spider,fairy, and i smiled the spider said. "we...TICKLE them" said the spider and she begun to tickle the bee. "hehehehe" giggled the bee as the spider tickled the bees armpits. "you spiders are so fun" said the bee. The bee asked if he could give the spider princess a hug. The princess smiled and said "of course" and she gave the bee a big 8 armed hug. The bee procceded to give a hug to both the fairy and I. So this is how I made friends with a bee.
Written by an anonymous author
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