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Kalibyrn pushes down hard with his foot, and you are pinned down. Still, you must fight back, since Kalibyrn would not be able to let up, even if he knew it was you. Thinking quickly, you bite hard into the dragon's foot, your elongated tusks puncturing the softer scales between the dragon's toes. Kalibyrn bellows, jerks his foot upwards, and you with it, and shakes you off. You land feet first, sliding across the dirt of the courtyard and raising a cloud of dust. Quickly you draw your sword, hoping its powers will work to protect you. The dragon bears down on you, and suddenly breathes a plume of fire at you. As the blaze reaches you, you almost instictively raise your sword and block. The flames part around the sword, as if it were cutting through paper.
As the flames die down, the dragon looks asonishd that his flames haven't reduced you and the sword to ash. He doesn't stay stunned long, though, and charges you, slashing at you with his claws. You block each blow with your sword, the force of it causing the dust to unsettle around the two of you, but the sword's magic does well to absorb the bulk of it. You have to think of something... you can't kill Kalibyrn, not after all you've gone through to help him. Likewise, he mustn't kill you, or all hope is lost. You look around for answers, then spot the glowing lantern still seated on the balcony where Morgana watches the fight intently. 'It may work,' you think. You quickly dodge a blow, and run under the dragon as fast as you can. Moments later, Kalibyrn is on your tail, ready to swallow you whole. You take aim and thrust your sword into the air as fast as lightning. Just then, Kalibyrn's talon comes down, pinning you once more, this time with a large talon stickling into your back and drawing blood. Suddenly, you hear the sound of shattering glass. Raising your head, you se the sword sticking through the glass lantern, and glowing a bright orange. "Fool!" yells Morgana, "Do you know what you've done?!" The Sword sems to vibrate, and suddenly you feel the force on your back ease as Kalibyrn falls to the ground unconscious. The sword seems to pulse with energy, suddenly moves back out of the lantern, then shoots back to your hand as if it had a will of its own. As you catch it, you feel your hand burn as the glowing flame energy seems to seep into you, and you see your arm glowing the same color as the flame, which starts to spread to your entire body. Something is happening, you feel your features changing...
Written by Dream weaver (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)