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"I wish these pants fitted me properly..." You say out loud.
Your body suddenly grows warm, and your clothes seem to get tighter. Your stomach growls loudly, and you look down to find that you're getting fatter! Your flabby stomach is pushing against the fabric of your shirt, which is steadily growing tighter as you grow larger. Your flat pecs inflate and sag, developing into a generous pair of man-tits which match your new beer gut.
Your shirt tears as you fatten, and your arms begin to swell like sausages - within seconds, your muscles have been completely swamped by a thick layer of blubber. Your shoulders follow suit, and your chest deepens as your shoulders broaden and grow larger. Your chin swells, then doubles into a wobbling apron which engulfs your neck.
Your legs swell too, rapidly thickening to twice their normal size, and your ass inflates, pushing you several centimetres off the bed. The previously-loose pants begin to fit you quite nicely, even growing tight around your flabby waist and thighs. Just when it seems about to tear though, your growth stops.
You gape in shock at the mirror on the wall opposite you. You're huge! You have to be twice - no, three times - your original size. You stand up with a bit of difficulty, wobbling unsteadily under your new weight, then walk towards the mirror for a closer look. Gawking at your newfound body, you poke your rotund stomach experimentally. Your swollen finger sinks into the layers of fat, then bounces back with a faint "boing!" - this is really happening!
Written by an anonymous author
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