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The answer is obvious. You're going to save the man that helped bring you into the life before you were a polar bear.
It takes several months. You never saw the room you woke up in again. After you left, you were led by five scientists down the hall to a new area, an area that might have been uncomfortable had you been human. It was a simulation of a winter wasteland, roughly the size of a school GYM. The snow was real and the weather was surprisingly normal, but you figured it was because of your new stature. The scientists were all wearing winter clothing.
When you look closely to the walls, you realize that one particular side has a large 30 foot wide and 6 foot large window, behind which was a room crowded with varius machinery and two scientists. You recognize the one that had spoken to you before.
"You should really get used to this room," he said. Already the other scientists were exited the polar room and crowding upon the computer one. "This will be your sleeping quarters and your training room."
"Yeah, yeah. Fine."
"You understand the seriousness of the situation, then?"
"My Dad's in danger. That's all I need to know."
"Good. Now, I know that by now, you should have a lot of questions running through your mind. Would you like to ask one?"
You think for a good few seconds. Then, you say, "Yeah, what's your name?"
The scientist smirks and points to his nametag, which you just noticed. "The name is Dr. John Navits." He smiles at you with a blinding, even whiter than the snow beside you smile.
"Alright. Thank you for wanting to help my father," you say. "One more question. Why can I talk?"
"You can talk because of the speaking capabilities this entire facility is created with. Of course, this means that once you leave here to rescue your father, you will lose your speaking ability..."
Though dissapointing, you dismiss it. The most important thought was the rescue mission, and you were ready to kick whoever's hiny you needed to kick. You look over your new room, see the frozen wasteland once again, feel the snow beneath your paws, and just a few yards away from you, you see a cave openning which was probably where you'd end up sleeping. You were ready.
That was six months ago. The training had been hard. The simulation room had been able to transform itself into various obsticle courses, from ice cold swimming lakes (where you learned how to swim swifter and eat fish for when you needed to find food) to jagged ice covered cliffs (where you learned to climb dangerous and slippery areas). You were given several punching bags that you were ordered to rip to shreds every day, and each day, they'd be covered with an even harder to rip material.
Now, you feel different. Dr. Navits has complimented you hugely on the loss of all the fat weight due to the transformation which had been replaced by muscle and has also nodded to the hard effort you put into training. On occassions, you were rewarded with large steaks, which tasted so much better than the fish. All of this got you very close to Dr. Navits, so close that you could trust him with your life even if he was asking you to jump off a plane.
As the training for the day closes, Dr. Navits turns on the intercom he used to speak with you in your devided territories. "Good job," he says. "You've really improved. Now I have some news for you." One of the scientists comes close to him, and you see him carrying a vile of some kind. You near, placing your paw on the glass window.
"What's that?" you ask.
"It's an antidote. Your father is still missing, but we doubt he's dead. Chances are, he's being held prisoner. This mission is still on, but, if you want, you can take this antidote to return to your normal life."
You look at it as if it is some ancient relic of mysterious power. Your ticket to humanity is staring at you in the face.
"Of course, we figured you would want to be human again, but...you wouldn't be able to help your father. Would you still like to? Your mother doesn't know what's happened to you. She thinks your dead. She'd be glad to see you're alive. Training is almost over. In fact, by the end of this weak, we were thinking of beginning this mission."
This was a serious blow. You hadn't realized your mother did not know that you were still alive somewhere. You forgot; everything had been about your father. If you turned human again, you could return to her and show her that everything was alright. But your father...
You know he's giving you a choice. It's how kind he is. You also know what you want deeply.
So you say...
Written by an anonymous author
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)