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Miss Jane Pennyford writes for Marge after her hands changed into hoofs:
Dear Parents of Daniel,
Your last letter struck Daniel very hard. His parents meant a great deal to him! Your releasing him to choose helped him exsentuate his adjusting to his new form, and from this his patterns of thought became more those of a male equine.
I too am now at the same stage of change that Dan was some two months ago. My future is here at Pennyford Farms with him at my side. We talk in our learned throaty voice, planning our futures, and adding our heritage to the long bloodlines of the Dartmoor breed.
Miss Jane helps us communicate, offering as our letter writing hand. Daniel is a good name but not one good for marketing his new ability. Miss Jane decided to list him in the stud registry under the name Prince Dandy Daniel. The name made him laugh and prance in circles, the usual manner which he shows his feelings of delight.
In the weeks following his change of name, and since then a photo grouping placed onto the Internet, the reservations for his servicing mares are now pouring in. I am proud to announce his service register for the next two up and coming years is now full. Moreover, those owners of pony mares have remarked about Daniel and his kindly manner of mounting and mating, as if he cares for his mares.
He does not kick or bite them like other stallions in the throngs of mating. Instead, he takes his time, mounts, positions himself with great care, and then begins the mating ritual.
Having shown his acceptance and a desire to accommodate both anxious owners and their feisty mares, Miss Jane has moved him to a private stable building. He and I share the building, moving from his stall to mine, and visa versa. The larger stalls are equipped with running water and automatic feeders.
Prince Dandy Daniel has from grazing and liking his surroundings gained considerable weight. Bulking out he is sleek and exceptionally muscular, standing or at a gallop, he brings many compliments from the prospective breeders.
His human age has helped his equine form reach maturity at an earlier stage. This maturity has made our mating a real thrill, this coming from a mare’s point of view. Dan and I often get it on, and why not since we are married. He was always gentle and still is as he maneuvers himself into position. Daniel gives me a hug using his fore legs, taking too great care not to scratch me with one of his hooves.
I take a wide stance offering him my sturdy body to mount. He returns the favor being gentle and softly thrusts that extremely mature maleness of his until finding the right spot. It is then he makes one quick lunge, spearing me and then feeling my grip Daniel begins his real thrusting action.
The sensation of his moves makes that of what I had as a human and lost becoming a mare, totally worth the price. He has now such a massive shaft, having lost his circumcision, but when aroused he is endowed with a bulbous knob that with the thrusting delights me beyond my wildest dreams. The thrust and force to which spews out the semen brings on my own orgasm in short order. He is more than a great thrill, and after getting it on once, he returns shortly thereafter for two or three more romps.
I know you will not prefer to hear this, but after feeling sex as a mare while doing it with Daniel I have no regrets!
Miss Jane is planning to have Daniel try to do his mounting three times daily. Once a week the Vet comes and with the aide of a species transitioned mare by the name of Lilly, they collect specimens of his semen. The semen will be for sale to other stables where they will use it to impregnate mares by artificial insemination; it does not even sound like much of a thrill.
He has made us all proud of his accomplishments. Accepting his stallion body and way of life gives me goose pimples. It is a real pleasure watching him, he prancing up to the mares, mounting them with such grace, it tickles me and I feel proud.
Oh, this might be some news worthy your applause. Justin, he was the Professor’s assistant who accidentally switched the medication and gave Daniel the H.E.P. serum.
I overheard Miss Jane talking on the phone while she stood inside of stable. It seems that in a heated discussion with Professor Haun, the good Professor injected Justin with some Welsh Cob serum.
As I understand about Justin, as according to the new schedule he is to arrive here sometime next month. Once he gets here, Justin shall over a time mature, but scheduled to be gelded, and used as the inferior male. As what I mean by inferior, the male pony is gate locked into a small pen and introduce to a mare in heat. She will smell a male and show her tendency whether willing to mate or ready to fight. This test is for Daniel’s protection, less he sustain an injury from some aggressive mare.
Justin having become a hearty Welsh Cob type of male pony will become excited and long to mate. Sorry for him and his lack of ability, once erect and lusting he will have to learn the ways of a gelded male horse.
Until we have time again to write, This the thoughts of Daniel and Marge, Written by, Miss Jane Pennyford.
To Marge and Daniel Dartmoor,
As the woman and mother who bared Daniel into this world, I shall continue this irrational conversing; understanding that of the son I loved is now like one dead to me.
My husband does not know of this letter and would not approve if he did. Please keep me informed of my Daniel, his health, his friends, but kindly refrain from mentioning anything about his pony body and his prone bestial, sexual behavior.
I do not know if you can understand how I feel betrayed, as if Daniel and his choice to allow and follow along with this whole strange situation.
My mind and imagination are boggled from thinking and trying to understand how Daniel could want for being as some beast like form. The ideas he states of wanting to prance about in a pasture and couple with various other animals, mares, true beasts; this causes me to wish my son had never been born.
The plans we had for him and our life together seemed so perfect until that stupid mistake which caused all this to happen.
Please convey a Motherly love to her Son when next you see my Daniel.
I hope for his sake, he has not lost his memory of me, my Daniel being a animal lusting to and live as does a pony.
Daniel's Mother
Miss Jane Pennyford writes a concerned mother a progress report:
Good Day,
Our mutual friend has been having quite the time of his life over here in England. He using various manner of communicating does so inform me of his happiness over your decision to continue contact by writing letters.
I have learned to listen carefully when either Daniel or now Marge use their incredible ability of Equine voice as they with each a vividly active mind can mimic a human voice.
We spend long hours, as Daniel can still speak slowly and crawling out words, as I write them to paper. This ventriloquism is something so special, allowing a window into the lives and lifestyle of animals, knowing feelings, wants, and in Daniel and Marge’s case, their personal thoughts.
Since Marge entered our family business, after asking of the Professor to transition her species. The serum used upon her was from the same lot number that made our Daniel such a handsome stallion.
She stands and looks as if she was a close relative to Daniel and of his equine bloodline. Her Seal brown color of hair enhances the black silky mane and tail, coupled with refined conformation (stance) makes for a truly refined bodily form of a Dartmoor mare.
She has such a willing heart, having urgent desire to live and experience the life as being now and permanently a pony mare.
Her passion for life and Daniel has now reached a peak, as of last Thursday, when our own in house Vet announced Daniel the father of a coming foal.
Your last letter asked me not to relate anything about Daniel and his stallion experience, the conquests, and the like.
Although, he has excelled in his chosen vocation, and with the urgency to relate as much realize his own self, Daniel is setting new records; while making us, him or you a great deal of money.
As his part in our profit margin he is to receive a royalty, with this in mind I have enclosed a check for 9,000 American dollars. Please do accept this money as per the wish of Daniel, and as he wants you to save and keep his royalties.
Also, and on the same note our accountant would also appreciate your cashing those other royalty checks previously sent.
Daniel is mentally quite alert and enjoys the company of my son Gerald. The two go out together, Gerald riding Daniel, Marge trotting along side. It is interesting how Daniel and Marge together have shown Gerald the proper manners of riding. They speak to him, he knowing of where they came from and how they both were once as human as is he.
Together with Daniel, he rides him at the horse and pony shows, Fairs, and shows them before the judges. We both chuckle at the stunned faces of Judges and onlookers when Gerald gives either pony extreme detailed duties.
The two try to act as if just dull minded ponies, they do cock their heads and listen carefully. I suspect the comprehension of human speech tends to lack in meaningful ways, as our use of language is likely loosing some of the implied meanings.
Yet they do as then asked, and when finished return to stand by my Gerald, and bow on one knee to their audience. Acting, they seemed born to that vocation, making Gerald as much a star and our farm the benchmark for excellently bred Dartmoor ponies.
Daniel and Marge are quite endearing, as Gerald suffers from a rare form of Epilepsy. This disease causes muscular disability, making horseback riding for Gerald as something almost impossible.
I am so grateful to Daniel and Marge, their coming here has become a true blessing in disguise on my family and our farm.
I have a desire to write also to Misses Justin Markus, she the recently made a widowed wife. A strange sort of accident in town occurred, while Justin stood harnessed to a delivery cart. Maybe he forgot his differing of size and where he stood, but with a sudden turning, he did sidestep into the path of a large truck.
Justin was killed instantly, a very strange occurrence indeed.
He too the product of some other accidental injection, transitioning his species to that of a Welsh Cob type pony.
Allowed to mature fully, the laboratory sent him here and unfortunately for Justin his medical records were lost along the way. A male pony without complete and proper records is as what was done to Justin, the Vet gelded him into a nutless dull minded pony.
After that mishap we thought to use him as the regular inferior stallion, testing mares for their excitability before hobbled and set before Daniel.
It is a rather dishonoring job, his testicles removed, the poor pony stands passion struck, erect, and without any way of relief.
Till next month, Miss Jane Pennyford
Writing to Misses Justin Markus:
My Dear Mrs. Markus,
I wish to express my deepest sorrow in the passing of your late Husband, Justin. We here at Pennyford Stables appreciated his work, considering he had some imposed limits on that vocation.
He always stood his ground, as if stout and ready to offer of himself at whatever task our stable manager put before him.
Justin sense of personal sacrifice of self was a benchmark to all his peers. I saw how he worked around with our stables, longing to give of himself, as his every thought was to give any and ample pleasure to others.
That very pleasing manor he presented with people, and or horses, stands as an example to us all; we here at Pennyford Farms could not begin to offer enough praise, his coming here was a real blessing in disguise. Many of our special guests and some acquaintances will undoubtedly miss him, as he is a real hard one, to replace!
I have enclosed a check for $10,000. American dollars, this is the standard payment authorized by our Insurance underwriter. I am truly sorry the amount of coverage were not at a higher limit, as this coverage was just a Perk, offered to special ones on our staff.
A package containing some of his more personal items should be arriving any day. The normal items as his wallet, pictures of his wife and children, he kept near him as a constant reminder. I also included his favorite riding croup, he feeling from time to time, a real need for its use.
Also enclosed is the personally I.D. inscribed bridle, bit, and reins he held so dear. His was an endowed life of service, to which he never really got in touch with but always kept a stiff upper, you know!
His special friends like Dan, Marge, Lilly, Annie, and many others, they all being witness daily to his personal wanting to please or help someone in need.
In Service to Science,
Miss Jane Pennyford
A disgruntled widow replies to Miss Jane and her letter of subterfuge:
Dear Miss Pennyford,
I received your kindly Bull Shit letter today, and wish to give you my thoughts. Really, you expect a lot if I am to believe the web your letter wove!
Professor Haun was a little more direct when he came to me and suggested I see Justin at work.
It was when my children were in school I arrived at his Lab. He sat me down and explained how Justin messed up, an accident he said, injecting himself with a radical new experimental serum.
He let me into the Medical section of his Lab where strapped to a bed lay what was left of my marriage and husband.
Justin, his chest bloated, skin changing in patches to deep black coloring. Screaming, terrorized of what was happening to his body; balling and crying when he saw me standing at his side. He tried to reach up a drastically changed hand, looking mostly as if a hoof, wishing to caress the face of his loving wife.
Then the Professor with that wonderful bedside manner, informed us of the serum would effectively make my husband into a complete animal, a equine, something of a larger pony breed.
After that the Professor sent me money to support our lifestyle and the children in a private school.
Justin, whom they allowed me to visit on the day before he and two others, special volunteers as ponies were sent off for England.
As if how Professor Haun had a plan, my dear husband could not communicate other than whinny, snort, or get erect. Worse yet for Justin, was the directive I saw on the Professor’s clipboard, ordering of my pony husband to be gelded upon arrival in England.
Little wonder according to your letter that all around saw his personal need, no doubt it was hanging rather stiff.
I have placed my children safely in the custody of my parents, this since the Professor allowing me a visit with Justin before he should enter the shipping crate, did as well poke me with a syringe filled of a similar serum.
So, for me my life and family are a thing of the past. Professor Haun informed me of my manner of change and that if I allowed him to chemically degrade my mind to equal that of some ignorant mare, the coming times of pain and discomfort would be at a minimum.
Likely soon you shall receive a red roan pony mare, it being me in my new and more bestial form. I ask from you to place me at some sort of lone working, set aside from those used as brood mares and such; me being then as another disgruntled horse!
With all my hate,
Mrs. Markus
P.S. I feel true sadness for our three children, they will lose the loving parenting that is needed by all as they grow and mature.
Written by K. Rooste
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