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Our Stables has become a busy enterprise as the new stock arrives weekly from America. The endless work of our favorite Professor Haun has brought us highly refined specimens or the Dartmoor, Exmoor, and Shetland breeds.
Prince Dandy Daniel.........105 stud fees since September Prince Andrew………................72 stud fees since July The Great Sebastian................68 stud fees since July
The list could go on and on, but this gives the scope of how much we are getting our share of the breeding market.
Please feel free to contact the management if you have any ideas for making more of our business.
"Prince Daniel" is our NEW mascot Dartmoor stallion at stud.
Champion conformation added to an inner realization of personal pride makes for excellent heritage and breeding, as our prime stud continues to add his excellence to the Dartmoor linage of ponies.
A stallion showing his passionate and gentle demeanor has become as an example to other stallions, they too, seem to realize that brutality is not the way for them to live long and useful lives.
The energy to which Prince Daniel mates has placed him well in the lead, as with mounting and mating, he is always a success at generating pregnancies. His own reaction after a successful mating session comes with a trumpeting whinny, pawing his forelegs in the air, while remaining then standing upright behind the mare, displaying his exceedingly elongated erection for all to admire.
He seemingly takes great pride in mating a mare well. His stately pose after each mounting and that look of being plainly satisfied, has become his trademark.
An exceptional mind remembers much as Prince Daniel loves to strike a extra sensual pose, offering to camera buffs that come to take his picture.
One such picture hangs in the main office, it shows a fantastic stallion seemingly having realization of his male endowment, and loving to pose and or show it off with some sense of delight.
Now, it has come repeatedly to the attention of our management of numerous vague rumors circulating about, suggesting that our prime stallion and stud pony, "Prince Daniel" was born other than as a pony is absurd!
This silly assumption arises from photos taken of his male organ and how it appears to resemble that of a circumcised, human male organ.
According to our Veterinary, the male pony organ can from time to time appear as if circumcised when fully erect; and ready for mating. As some might know from experience when mating bulls, goats, and dogs, their male members can appear rather pointed.
Continuation of such rumors can only damage the excellent reputation of this established stable. If those perpetrating this hoax are ever found, I can promise them many years of imprisonment, and or personal disgrace.
Sybil, the real mother of Daniel, writes to Miss Pennyford:
Dear Miss Pennyford
Since my/our Daniel stopped being him self and lives now in England, we as his parents feel as if our son is lost from us.
His radical change of form and the resulting lack of moral lifestyle are foreign to our way of thinking, this situation has made some changes in our lives as well.
My Husband became very disturbed about Daniel and his completely immoral choice of lifestyle. His attitude toward me became ugly, as we quarrel often, and have come to blows. Our marriage has since fallen apart and he lives away from our home.
Your letters have filled me with longing to see Daniel and talk with him, but due to the breakup of our marriage, I simply do not have the funds to travel.
Daniel was my only child, and so my want is to be as close to him as possible.
A recent visit to inquire about when Daniel might transition back to his original human form lead me to ask this of Professor Haun. His snide suggestion that I too could receive an injection, becoming then as a mare, would reside near to my son.
I am embarrassed to speak of it, but his offer excites me while also making me very nervous. I love Daniel, my boy or as a pony, he is still part of me.
Contemplating the transition as explained by the Professor, he can be rather blunt, grossly suggestive when telling me openly of what I might expect, when living the lifestyle as a pony mare.
His erotic humor mixed with sexual connotations causes me concern and some worry. The Professor is cute in his wording of a life in your pony stable. My asking him about being a factor with me going through such a massive transition. Wondering, since I am mature and past the proper years of bearing children, being well beyond forty. His reply to me, suggesting that age does not matter. As if the serum adjusts uterus to become equine and as being a mare I could bear young for many years to come.
What worries me most is that I longingly desire to be near my Daniel, yet then too; my son might forget and so desiring as he lusts, might wish to mate with me. This form of incest would wear against my religious up bringing. I know that it means nothing to an animal, but in mind, I would not be a total animal.
This is a very real concern to me, and personally I would not wish to mate or become bred by my own son.
However to be quite truthful after rereading many a letter written to me by Marge, I have a fantasy desire to feel what she described, the sensations of a stallion mounting, thrusting, and mating excites me to dream about it at night.
As if feeling infected by some erotic passion to become as is my son, standing on all four, naked to the world, and living day to day as do the beasts of the fields. I want it; but worry if I can trust the Professor.
While I was talking with the Professor and noticed a large wall chart listing a long list of animal breeds, names of serums, and sparsely shown were names of volunteers, those already involved in the tests.
I have lived a long time as a rational human and giving up all to become something that lives for the sensual moment, fosters discontentment. As if you knowing my thoughts for joining as part of the animal world, you might have some basis of understanding.
My parents are long sense deceased, I have no brothers or sisters, and without Daniel and his Father, I am alone!
I guess all things put in there place the one thing that worries me most is being as a mare, and then used primarily for breeding.
The Professor was quite poignant about associate farms requiring all animals to have some primary use. Me being female, a mare, and of maturity would be most likely placed into the breeding stable. His accounting of my duties and the subsequent sexual use of stallions and my body made everything brutally clear.
As according to him and his demeaning ideals of women in general, he would consider me nothing more than an equine whore, standing calmly available there at the pleasure of a stallion.
My Husband was a kind man, thoughtful, and an excellent provider for his family. He had a gentle way when pleasuring our selves, the memory of him is still vivid!
The obvious intent for me joining Daniel seems to becoming attune to a sexual urge to know life as he does. I watch P.B.S. and Animal Planet channels for entertainment. I visit the local library, reading books upon books, they telling about Dartmoor ponies, their habits, and breeding.
Please write soon and correct me if I am amiss, but ponies kept and used primarily for show have but one constant use. That one real use is to mate and increase the size of their herd, add to a farm’s profit margin, and lastly seek some tiding of pleasure for being part of the Equine realm.
I even stooped so low as to check some porn video sights on the internet. Crazy to think of even wishing to watch as on You-Tube as two Fjord ponies stood in a field mating, I was mesmerized.
As with my eyes glued to the computer screen, I drank in scenes showing of a stallion ramming his black penis into the mare. As such I saw him mount, thrust, and rut a mare in some harsh and beastly rough manner. The stallion bucked his pelvis several times, thrusting until he stiffened when his semen erupted into the mare.
I found myself drooling, captivated with imagining myself as the mare. Seeing her reaction, as if she relished the willingness for her stallion to dominate her body. Standing with hind legs spread wide, head hung low, she turned to gaze a look back at her mate.
I personally gave a groan along with the mare as she lurched feeling his every forceful thrust.
I now think of this as something both mentally and physically exciting. As if now I have a sense of euphoria, understanding my own long lasting passions, I believe with time you shall gain another new and instinctively driven brood mare.
This could lead to ruining my relationship with Daniel, as the primary reason for me being a mare was to be near him. If after some time my mental awareness fades and I become as some ignorant mare, at that time I would plead still not to be ever mated with my Daniel.
My Daniel is a Dartmoor breed and the Professor is always talking about Exmoor or New Forest breeds, is there a difference?
I would ask about a new pony breed the Professor suggested for me, but I cannot find any info or pictures. (Devon Shires)
Before I chose, please write me with info and or photo about Devon Shires and of your stable.
Sincere Thanks,
Sybil P.S. "God forgive me for what I am a bout to do!"
Written by K.Rooste
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