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You climb into the machine and place your hands on the indicated spots on each wall. A series of lasers scan across your body, sizing up your potential. A few seconds later, a klaxxon goes off and the walls begin to close in. You brace yours shoulders and bring them to a halt with a grunt.
"Hrmph...not too bad," you remark.
"Not *yet*," grins Mr. Incredible, stepping in front of you.
"Oh, you wouldn't..."
"*I* wouldn't...but the villanous Hyena would!" With a look of pure evil, he begins poking your ample belly. "Looks like you could stand to lose a few pounds, chubby boy."
"I mean look at this flab," he says, grabing a handful of stomach and squeezing.
"heheHAAAH..c-c'mon now"
"And these love handles are shameful." Sliding his hands under your shirt, his fingers knead both your lats.
Your try to twist, but the effort of holding back the closing walls has you locked in place. You're arms weaken as electric shocks fire along your waistline.
"Gitchie-gitchie-gitchie," taunts your tormentor.
"And the less said about this beer gut the better." With that, his evil scratching fingers move forward around your waist, poking and kneading your underbelly. The mad tickling sensations build as he approaches that hotspot just over your belt buckle.
When the flurry of fingers grazes the area under your bellybutton, you lose what's left of your sanity. Your laughter is just breathless wheezing, and tears coat your face. You're so lost in the laughter you completely forget it's within your power to end it.
"No..." you wheeze between laughs, "Not thahahahat spohahahahat..."
Seconds later, your arms remember what your brain forgot and decide to give. You fall to the floor a giggling quivering mess.
Mr. Incredible congratulates you with a pat on the back that rattles your teeth. "Nice job, kid. You almost beat my score."
Written by an anonymous author
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