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No. You mentally defy your situation. No, I can't be just STUCK like this forever! There's gotta be something I can do! You look at the doctor, rmembering him saying the nanobots responded to your subconcious and conscious thoughts. You also remember past doctor's visits resulting in the claim that you don't have a particularly strong immune system. Maybe if you just gave them a boost, they could push past your immune system, and act on your body again! All you needed was focus. So, tuning out the conversation, you closed your eyes and focus harder than you've ever had to in your life. You focus on the image of your human body like your life depended on it.
And you felt something happening, for about half a second. Right beneath your skin. Hope rekindeled, you focused harder, not giving a damn about the migrane you're aware you're getting right now, and the feeling returns. It goes away quickly again.
It must be too much work for them to get done right away. You figure. Weak immune system or not, there's no way the nanobots can act very much without opposition from the number of antibodies your body has no doubt produced. Deciding to test that theory, you focus on a more simple change: becoming a complete fox. You list the needed details in your head: Quadrupedal, No Hair, Digitigrade Legs, No Breasts. You start with Digitigrade Legs.
With a little extra mental effort, you hear the pops and snaps of your legs taking on their new stance. You look down at them, smiling to see your efforts were not in vain. It even managed to turn your feet into paws!
Alright, next up: No Breasts. With a little less focus than before, you feel the two mounds shrink away. Feeling more confident, you take your focus into stride and check "No Hair" off the list. Finally ready for the last detail, you begin to focus on your bone structure. A few snaps and cracks later, and you're finished. You take stock of the changes. Of course, in looks you could pass perfectly for a vixen. You look smugly at the team around you, seeing some of them - including your dad - with their jaws dropped. Others are feverishly writing observations in their notebooks.
"How... did you just do that? The Nanobots should have been inactive." Dr. Hughes stammers. You shrug, or give your best interpretation of a shrug, given your quadrupedal sitting stance.
"I never had a very strong immune system." You say. "I couldn't do bigger changes though. Too many antibodies, I suppose. But, with enough practice, maybe I could join dad in his missions!"
Your dad is struck by that proclamation. "Wait, you'd actually do that?" He asks incredulously. You nod in response. "Heh. I'm flattered, but it's really rather dangerous, you know. I mean, last time, I almost got blasted by Hex's - Oops. Forget you just heard that."
You roll your eyes at him and his usual rambling. "Heh. As usual, you're just a little too open around me, dad. But yes. I'm sure. After all, I could be anything. Even "accidentally" becoming the enemy's pet. Best spy yet, am I right?" You say, giving him a sly smirk.
"I... suppose you're right!" He says with a chuckle. "But you're going to have to go through training, recruitment and all that."
"Heh. I understand. Can't have rookies blow a mission as serious as the fate of the world or anything." You respond. "Anyway, I'm going to try turning back into me."
About ten minutes of focus later, you're back you your old self, although for some odd reason, you couldn't exchange your equipment. You weren't about to tell anyone that though. You've just about had enough of their extensive experementing. Looking down at your hands in releif, a humorous thought crosses your mind. "Hey, I could probably go by "Codename: Shift" if I join you guys, dad. Because it fits me. I'm a shapeshifter now!" This gets some laughs from some of the scientists in the room, and a chuckle from your dad.
"Well, we'll just see about that. At least you've got some form of control over your... um... can we call it a power?" He muses. You think over it too. The first semblance to anything like this you've ever seen is in Beast Boy, from that old cartoon Teen Titans. And he called it a power. So why not?
"Eh. Sure." You shrug. So, what next?
Written by Arkane Gamer
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