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The psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas, welcomes you in. "Please," he says, "have a seat, miss." He looks at his clipboard and frowns. "Er...sir. Sorry about that."
"It's alright," you mutter. "I'm probably going to have to get used to it."
He questions you for a few hours on countless different aspects of your personality. Eventually, the topic drifts to your recent transformation. "Have you noticed any mental side-effects?" he asks. You hesitate for a moment, then launch into an explanation of the mental changes you've witnessed over the past few days; how you found yourself not attracted to, but proud of, your figure, how you have suddenly developed a taste for body-temperature meat, how you didn't feel anything wrong about wearing a bra, and about that very female dream you had. He looks at you with renewed interest. "Mental alterations as well as physical," he mutters. "Tell me honestly," he questions, "did you ever have such tendencies before? This is important, so please be honest."
You assure him that this is entirely new. After a few more questions, the first session condcludes, and you are led to the debriefing room again. Once the group of people working on your case has gathered, Dr. Thomas stands up. "I talked with the programming department," he announces, "and informed them about some relevant details that I gathered from my examination of the subject. From this, they've finally pieced together how the things decide. The subject's mind is scanned, first the conscious, then the subconscious, to determine any desired new form."
"Apparently, the nanobots wait for an unknown amount of time to scan for replacement transformation desires. This accounts for our subject's multiple transformations. As the subject has told me, he first encountered horse hair, via the bow of a viola, and wanted hair like that. He got it, through becoming a horse. Shortly thereafter, the subject encountered, via his sister's hairbrush, the hair of a female human. He wished to become human again, and the nanobots, looking for possible source material, combined the desire to become human with the nearby presence of female human genetic material, concluding that the subject wished to become a female human. Afterwards, the subject drove to a local petting zoo, held both human and fox hair in her hands, and expected a transformation as a method of testing whether hair was the cause of the transformation. The nanobots apparently interpreted this as a desire to combine the genetic material of the two hair samples, resulting in the creature you now see before you. After a prolonged period with no changes in desired form and no new host to spread to, the nanobots present in the subject's body gave themselves up to the subject's immune system, which has formed new defenses against subsequent invasions."
Your ears suddenly jolt straight upwards. "P-p-pardon me, doctor," you stammer, "but if my immune system can now defend against these nanobots, does that carry the implication that I think it does?"
"Yes," Dr. Hughes concurs, "we did some tests, and your body is now almost perfectly resistant to any nanotechnology introduced to the bloodstream. Simply stated, the nanobots cannot change your body any further."
"Does that mean..." Your voice trails off; you're afraid to complete the question.
"Yes," Dr. Hughes says, "I'm afraid that, for the foreseeable future, your body will remain permanently in this form."
You slump back into your chair, realizing that you're completely stuck. Whether you like it or not, you will remain a fox-girl for, presumably, the rest of your life.
Written by mrhappyface
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