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Mother was calling us into the house, a quick look at Mike suggested he not bother to answer the call. His own face told of the personal terrors he was feeling but with the call of Mom from off the back porch I saw true anguish set in.
Fear, anguish, or sexual lust they were all serious emotions and with such Mike's transition from human to animal sped up.
As kids and brothers will often do I tried to ignor Mother's call. Yet when she called again it sounded rather urgent so I ran to see what she needed.
Once inside Mom seemed rather preoccupied with getting her house in some sort of shipshape order. I told her Mike was changing around things out in the shed, a bad pun but it did sidestep the main issue.
Mom told me that her Aunt Leslie had passed away and that she with Father were going to travel to be with the family at this time of remorse. She informed me that Mike and I would need to be on our best behavior as we were to remain at home alone.
My nervousness eased at the thought of having a day or two alone to figure out what on earth I or Mike could do about his situation.
Then Dad came home and was quickly packing as he mentioned they were booked on a flight and had to be at the airport within the hour. He too reminded me to be a good boy and tell Mike he was in charge till they returned.
A short but hasty rush had Mom and Dad heading out to the airport and not a thought or word as to what Mike was doing or why he didn't come up to the house and say a good bye.
The dust had not settled from our car leaving the driveway before I returned to the shed.
Walking quickly up to the front doors of the open shed my sight first off was of two large buttocks and a long hairy tail.
Mike had been under a great strain of personal horror imagining that either Mom or Dad would come out to the shed and confront him for not coming when called. His own worry and the strange changes teamed up to make his body react to the poisens changing him into an animal.
Now Mike looked like a common male pony. A tail flicked and swished over a hairy smooth muscled rear. His thighs had broadened, rounded, and become the strong muscled thighs a pony used to push his bulk along whether walking, running, or in a gallop.
I called his name, then called again as he slowly backed up and turned to face me. Mike's face was not yet that of a pure animal form although from his twisting facial manners he told me of the embarressment he had at the moment.
Quickly I informed him of Mom and Dad leaving on a two or three day trip. This news I expected would calm him but it didn't as if he'd had a fond hope maybe Dad might know a way to help?
As our backyard was fenced and very private I coaxed Mike to come out of the shed and stand outside.
After several minutes of anxious acting Mike proceeded to walk into the light of day. His new coating of equine hair glistened in the sunlight making me think he was quite striking for a pony.
Indeed as he walked about on all fours I could see his legs and body movements to be smooth and well coordinated. After just a few minutes outside Mike was trotting up and down the length of our backyard as if he was enjoying himself.
Watching at first as I stood there by the shed doors and seeing Mike enjoying himself so made me shiver.
I went and sat on the top step of the deck watching Mike parade about the yard. His snappy way he stepped along, tail held high as if like some proud animal showing off his body for a mate.
This went on for half an hour till Mike's pracing slowed and he came over to the steps where I sat.
Looking at me his head cocked a little to one side. I looked back at him his face and head now totally changed and looking every bit the face of a true pony.
Mike then stepped forward his front hoofs walking up the steps to the deck as his hind feet remained on the ground. Stretching himself out long to show his increased body length he stood oggling me with action suggestion his satisfaction in being now an animal.
His body stretched out long and sleek he flicked his hairy tail with quick side to side whisping actions. Then it stopped and rose up as if he was tensing up. His head too seemed to suggest his mind was thinking while remaining almost verticle in his stance half on top of the deck and half below still firmly standing on the ground.
Mike's ears laid back as if having maybe a new round of pain. I then had to notice his actions as he displayed every muscle. Flaring muscle straining to bring pleasures to the master animal Mike was standing there with deep intent feelings I think he'd never had before.
Messing on the steps and Mike stepped down, sniffing his mess then turning and walking into the middle of the yard. He stood there his body muscles flarring, tail flicking as if feeling some wierd animal sort of pride.
I watched him make a few slow steps foward his muscles jiggled with every step granting him even more new feelings. Even as I watched his actions I knew the sensations of being now like an animal was urging if not making Mike delight in what he had become, a stallion pony!
Then it happened like he was as normal a pony might, he lowered his head to begin grazing.
I sat there and marvelled at his coordinated lips actions. The lips gathering the blades of grass for teeth to nip off allowing his mouth to fill. Then chewing the grass under the bite of his slab like flat square teeth. His chewing action almost done without any thought of what he was beginning.
As the afternoon sun was going down and an evening chill touched me with its damp feeling I got up from where I'd been sitting. Then walking into the house I peered out the kitchen window to see Mike oblivious to my leaving him as he grazed.
Now my tummy was grumbling and tossing a chicken pot pie into the oven I donned a jacket to retun to being near Mike.
A clumping sound outback on the deck told me of one thing only, Mike wanted to come inside!
Stepping to the back door I was met by Mike he made actions of his head nodding like I should open the door. Instead I slipped out and quickly closed the door stopping Mike from his idea of entering.
"No, you can't Mike!" I said to him.
Mike stretched his head and neck out letting a high pitched whinny roar out his open mouth.
"I know, your feeling a chill but look at you! Think what Mom would say if you go inside and get one of those feelings and mess on the carpet like what I squirted off the porch steps a while ago. Your like an pony animal and a stallion too! The urge comes you don't think of what mess you make and just let it go. I think for tonight you should stay in the shed!" I said to Mike.
The last suggestion made him angry with me as he inside did not yet think of himself as being of animal in body or manners.
I imagined he could smell my chicken pot pie cooking and wanted to enjoy human food. He had forgotten his three hours grazing on the lawn and would if I'd let him just walk inside and make himself warm and comfie.
Kneeling down to his level I reminded him of his grown size in bulk and the fact he now walked on all fours. I mentioned his flicking tail that if inside the house would be a problem to the vases, pictures, and other trappings Mom placed as things of beauty or reminders of happy times.
Petting his hairy neck soothed Mike as his breathing slowed and tail hung limp. Talking to him as a concerned brother and wishing him only the best and most considerate friendly relationship I expected he'd act accordingly.
Mike's reaction was instead that and shown as a common pony stallion. Doing as when relaxing and letting his mind search for those feelings which bring him great satisfaction he displayed himself in great indulging glory.
Seeing his reaction I knew from being around Lyle his friend and mine the mannerism's of stallion horses, Mike was showing such lack of moral manners.
He was and or had accepted his new self letting go the common morals we all are taught from early years. Now it was for Mike a release of those rules as with becoming animal and pony stallion he like the others of his new species paid no thought to what other saw of him.
Mike's wish to come inside and his reaction to me petting his hairy hide all told me my brother was now more a beast than the human who shared a bedroom with me. I could not let the beast into the house! He had been and was minute by moment becoming more in line with being and living in animal ways of life.
"Go now stay in the shed I'll bring you some water to drink and a blanket for the night!" so I oredered my older brother to be and live as the animal he was.
As he sadly sauntered down the steps off the deck and returning to the earthen ground I watched him enter the shed for the night.
My baking timer went off and giving a fond look at the rear of Mike the pony sticking out past the shed's door all I could remark was, "Oh Brother!"
Written by Kevin Rooste
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