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Mike stood there looking like a real body builder. His shoulders were now puffed up as if he'd been taking hormones for six years. His stomach looked more rounded but what was below had changed and changed in a strange way.
Maybe while Mike slept away the day the special and experimental creme had with the thirty some pills made some radical changes. His body there was now darker skinned almost black in color. While what he had, had grown before it now was burrowed into his lower abdomin making a sheath that looked extremely like that of a horse.
Spreading out from there was also patches of deep and darkened skin as within the patches a supper dark brown hair was growing.
Mike's stomach, his thighs from hip to knee were all covered in this darker skin and the dark brown hair. He moaned as his fingers and hands searched and touched this wild change of his skin.
"You had to take thirty pills per day and not the three the instructions told, pretty dumb there Brother!" I chided Mike.
He told me of Lyle Benson and his use of the pills and creme making him a real sensual monster. His accomplishments with girls he'd dated and their times together had Lyle suggesting Mike try it as well. He told Mike that the pills needed to enter the bloodstream in two massive doses, thus the thirty pills on Saturday and then on Sunday. He failed to mention that the creme was to be used sparringly and not quite to the liberal way Mike had used it on both days.
Brother to Brother we talked most of the early morning hours till I realised it was then Monday and I had to go to school. Mike the luck duck graduated last summer and was planning to enter the community college in the Fall.
So I when to school and Mike stayed at home. As also Mom and Dad both had jobs Mike was left at home with his own strange problem.
It was about 4:00pm when the school bus dropped me off at the end of our street. A half mile walk to home had me wondering what Mike would look like after yet another day with his pills and creme.
Once in the house I saw spread out and riped open yet another box from Sunrise Research. I ran up the stairs and rushed into our bedroom. The place was a ripped up mess, clothes everywhere, and in the bathroom an empty bottle which held 300 pills when it arrived.
The experimental creme tube was gone plus and maybe the worst was a new instruction sheet telling of an added bottle of mineral treatment.
A look out the back bedroom window saw our storeage shed doors open and a dark figure sitting inside.
I darted out the bedroom, down the stairs, and through the kitchen out over the backyard and came huffing and puffing to stand just in the doorway of the storeage shed.
"MIke?" I remember say it as if a question as to what I saw might not really be him.
His eyes blinked but he said nothing. He was sitting in a lounge chair we have on the deck during summer. His legs hund out toward me and bathed in the late afternoon sunlight. They were now darkened of skin and covered in that rich deep brown hair. His feet though were now very much longer and they too had dark skin but with black hairs sprouting thickly from heel to toes?
Toes were not toes in the human way. In fact his toes were now very black and partially merged together. It looked like three black hard toes which as I touched them they were as hard as nails. I drew my hand back quickly as the toes now black were covered in a thin layer of sticky black ooze. Mike thighs were now much broader yet also narrow making his groin deep while his stomach rounded out like a big beer gut. The sheath had gotten larger but remained in the same place as when I'd seen it before.
The darkened skin had grown upwards covering Mike's belly, his back and chest. He rolled over to grant me another look as my eyes went wide.
"Mike, my God you've grown a tail!" I yelled it in wild surprise.
Mike blinked his eyes but made not a sound. I looked ever closer seeing the tail move as if Mike was doing it by his desired will. His butt which was muscular before now rounded out making it look like the rear of the horse I thought he was becoming.
Then my eyes spotted in the corner of the shed that new bottle of mineral treatment now drained dry.
"Are you gone crazy, your pill bottle empty, this mineral treatment drank in one sitting, what am I to tell Mom and Dad?" I asked Mike.
That question got a rise out of him as her rolled his butt down and sat up to the edge of the lounger chair.
Looking up at me Mike spoke but the words were all grabbled together making dumb little sense at all. He tried and then tried again to speak but his lips and tongue would not cooperate.
At last he sat there his head hung down as with this change of position I had to notice even more.
With Mike's head hung downward I saw the beginnings of a mane growing at the base of his neck. It was as the mane of a colt, bristly and sticking straight up but there to be sure.
I then noted Mikes shoulders which earlier in the day looked like those of a body builder's. Now they had large muscles but looked as if forced more narrow while his upper arm muscles mereged with the chest. His forearm was covered in the dark brown hair and blackened skin while his wrist was now more a knee as the metacarples of his hand were fused into a cannonbone. The fingers too were like the toes, turned black and ozzing a thin sticky layer as they merged into what was to become a solid single toed hoof.
I heard then a whimpering cry and kneeling down looked Mike in the face. His lips were hanging out as if puffy while then nose and upper lips seemed to be merging even as I watched.
Mike reached forward his almost forelegs hung over my shoulders as he leaned forward trying to hug me as a loving brother might.
Touched and being touched I felt the sadness and remorse over what was happening to my older brother. His continued try at speaking only made him whimper and cry all the more. Mike knew as did I that his days, maybe even hours as a human were numbered.
Then from the back door of the house came a call for us to come and talk with Mom, she was home from work, "Oh Brother!"
Written by Kevin Rooste
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