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as you tell Bryan about how the birds drilled their beaks right into the heart of the balls of your feet and made you laugh like a hyena. Bryan gives a sudden snort. You tell him again how ticklish your barefeet are, and he lifts up one sole and looks at it, as if he were feeling something and trying to see what might be causing the sensation. You keep up your tale of tickle torture while Bryan drops his foot, then raises and studies the other. Soon he's giggling and hopping about on the sand.
As you tell Bryan how you kept laughing and laughing and laughing as your bare feet got tickled, he can't fight it any more. His mad hopping about becomes too frantic; he trips and falls. As he loses his balance, he also loses the battle to suppress his laughter, and he bursts out uncontrollably in a loud, "HAW HAW HAW HAW HAAAAWWWWW!!!!!" as his barefeet kick wildly about in the air. Having gained complete control over Bryan, you're now free.
You decide you should go to find help. But as soon as Bryan stops laughing, he rushes at you. Luckily you hold him off by saying, "Tickle-tickle-tickle!!" This makes his tumble to the ground again and burst into another round of laughter.
Finally you render Bryan totally helpless by saying "Kitchy-kitchy-koo-oo!!!!!" seventy-seven times fast, which allows you to put him on a leash so that he can't attack you. Bryan thanks you, and the two of you start walking. In a few minutes you see the figure of a stranger approaching...
Written by stephan
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)