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When the stranger is near enough, Bryan recognizes him. It's the young CEO of XYZ Corp., the hottest business in the area. You and Bryan have seen many pictures of the company's hot young head, who just goes by his first name Takeshi, in the Society pages of the newspaper, and your parents have spoken of reading his exploits in the Business section.
Up close, Takeshi is the Complete CEO - expensive suit and shoes, trendy briefcase and mobile telephone and all. As he nears you, he's finishing a conversation on the telephone. You and Bryan can't hear what he's sayoing, but the tone is clearly dynamic.
After putting away his telephone, Takeshi notices the two of you for the first time. "Are you the two models from that avant guard agency I'm trying out?" he asks. "If you are, you're a day early. I rescheduled the appointment."
In a voice you haven't heard yet, Bryan does all the talking. "My friend and I have had some curious adventures today. Would you like me to tell you about them? I'm sure you'll find it quite profitable."
Takeshi looks at Bryan strangely, but says, "I think I can spare a few minutes. He takes a peek at his pocket organizer, finds a seat and tells Bryan to go ahead.
"Well," says Bryan, "I was at the beach and found my friend buried in the sand. He was telling me about how he was captured and buried there, and how his shoes and socks were taken off. And it was the funniest thing, but while he was telling me about it, I was overcome by the strongest impulse, and before I even knew what I was doing, I took off my shoes and socks and went barefoot too."
As Bryan speaks, Takeshi exclaims that he has a stone in his shoe. He takes off his expensive Italian loafer, shakes it, then looks puzzled. Then he says the stone must be in his other shoe, takes that one off, but still no stone. Then, as if in a trance, he drops both shoes.
Bryan continues, "And then he started telling me all about how these birds had gather round after they had him buried in the sand, and then they started tickling his feet..."
Takeshi's facial muscles twitch. He says he thinks a spider must have gotten into his sock, and takes off one, then the other.
"...and the more he told me about how the birds kept tickling his barefeet, the more I started to get a curious feeling, and soon I felt the weirdest sensations, as if my own barefeet were being tickled..."
Takeshi's face is still twitching as, with a puzzled expression, he holds up one bare foot and studies in, then puts it down and examines the other.
"...and before I know it, the tickling feeling made me start to giggle, and then it got stronger and stronger as it tickled more and more, and I had to laugh out loud..."
A forced grin spreads across Takeshi's face. He sputters a few times, and seems to be trying to compose himself. Finally he picks up both feet at once, trying to rub them or cover them with his hands, as if to remove some weird sensation. But it doesn't work, and he starts laughing.
"...and the more I laughed, the stronger the tickling got, all over my heels, and my arches, and my soles, and my toes..."
Takeshi, who is laughing harder but who has a look of total incomprehension, grabs the different parts of his feet to no avail, and begins to lose his balance.
"...until it tickled so much I was on the ground laughing like a hyena, and I just couldn't stop laughing!"
Takeshi finally topples to the ground. He lets go of his bare feet and kicks them in the air, as if to stop them from being tickled. He howls uncontrollably with hysterical laughter.
You are impressed by the sight of a big executive reduced to a giggling ticklish little schoolboy. Bryan is exultant. "I broke the curse!" he cries. "Now Takeshi will have to tell someone all about my tickling ordeal and how it tickled him into hysterics, but we're back to normal!"
Or are you? You were so intent on watching Bryan make Takeshi into a giggleboy that you haven't noticed you are not quite yourself. But suddenly Bryan notices. "Oh, wow, Dude! What's happening to you?" he asks.
Written by stephan
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)