This list is a never-ending source of wonder to me. Whenever you're
interested in something as odd as transformation stories, I think that there's a natural
tendency to feel like you're the only one in the world who would care about such a thing.
But the List receives over 200 unique visitors every day. And most people don't just read
the title page and move on; the average visitor downloads over 250K of information--on a
largely text-based list like this one, with no real adult content, that's a simply amazing
number. Many thanks to all of you, for showing me that I'm not alone in this thing after
all. :-)
A number of people have asked me what they can do to support the site. I
don't need any financial contributions or anything like that; trust me--I have every
intention of keeping the List running for as long as I can find an ISP to carry it. But if
you like this site and want to support it, here are some things you can do:
- Read and enjoy the List. That's what it's here for. :-)
- Tell me what you think of the List; email me at
This is critical; if I don't know what the users of this List like and don't like about
it, then it's very hard for me to improve it. Many of the best new features of the
List--the search engine, the Bookstore Browser, the expanded Focus sections--have come
about because users said "Wouldn't this be neat?", and I said "You know,
you're right."
- Send me information. If you know of things that aren't on the List but should be, or if
you know extra information on things that are already on the List, then please, please,
please let me know about it. Email me at the address above, or use the New Information page, whichever is more convenient. In
particular, if you see an entry on the list with a
it, that means that there's missing information in the entry; if you know the missing
information, send it in!
- If you run a Web site, and readers of your site might be interested in transformations,
then please link your site to mine. More links means more visitors. More visitors mean
more information sent in. More information sent in means a better List. And, in the vast
majority of cases, I'd be happy to link back to your site; please read the Questions page for more info.
- If you know of a Web site whose readers would be interested in my site, then please
suggest to that site's webmaster (politely) that they link to the List. And
likewise, if you know of a site that should be in the Resources section of my site, then
please let me know about it--especially if it falls into one of the categories covered by
the Focus pages.
- If a search engine that you use doesn't include the List, then please suggest (politely)
that they include it. Likewise, if a search engine that you use allows you to vote for
your favorite sites, then please vote for this one. (For example, Lycos lets you do
this--you can vote for this site here.)
Again, more visitors => more information => better List.
- Write books, stories and other works that involve transformation. This
will immediately create more source material for the List. :-)
Where to from here?
Copyright © 1993-2000 Phaedrus /