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Werewolves of the World, Unite!

With mounting fury, you scan the latest issue of the Wall Street Journal. "Animated Analysts Leave Investors Howling For More," reads the front-page headline. The accompanying story details how "Wall Street Werewolves" has become the highest-rated show on the Financial News Network. You throw the paper down in disgust.

"Nice going," sneers Fred sarcastically. "Got any more bright ideas?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," you answer firmly. "Don't you see? Lengths needs us more than we need him. From here on out, you and I are officially on strike!"

Minutes later, Dr. Lengths' infuriatingly cheerful voice drifts down to you and Fred. "Well, boys, all set to film the next installment, I see. Good, good. Camera rolling. And... action!"

Exchanging sideways glances, you and Fred flop into your chairs, cross your arms, and stare mutely into space. Several seconds pass in awkward silence.

"Ah, boys?" Lengths interjects at last. "I distinctly said, 'Action!'"

Written by Funny Animal (edited by phaedrus)

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