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A Roamin' in the Gloamin'

You lost your watch somewhere back in the transformation, but you know it isn't too long- probably an hour or so- after you start you new adventure that you begin to have one or two second thoughts.

You've always been a city dweller before this, with only the vaguest notion that it's quite pleasant to take a walk under the trees sometimes, if they're nicely manicured and within 10 minutes of your home. Out in the middle of a seemingly endless forest, with uneven ground, ruts, tree roots, low hanging branches and things dropping on you from above, it doesn't seem to have the same appeal. Your heavy footfalls sound unnervingly loud in the sphere of silence that surrounds you, although now your ears have tuned in you can hear a lot of stealthy, slithery noises within the undergrowth further out. Fortunately, you can take comfort in the fact that you're almost certainly going to be bigger and badder than anything else out there.

Unfortunately, 'big' is starting to present you with a few problems. Your hippo body is very new to all this, and got very little exercise in the castle. Your imposing build, more usually supported by large quantities of water, doesn't really seem to like walking all that much. Especially when you keep bashing it into things. And the fact of your humungous belly, which is undoubtedly an utter joy and privelege to be bestowed with, is beginning to 'drag' somewhat. Not to mention the outright surreality of a giant hippo waddling through the middle of a temperate forest in the dead of night.

All in all, you're beginning to labour a bit under the effort. The path has manged to lose itself, petering out into the maze of trees, branches, dappled tunnels and small silvery clearings. You're heading in as straight and as easy a line as you can manage (although the direction is utterly arbitrary), but by now you're brathing somewhat heavily, and your legs would very much like a rest. Your eyelids second that.

Reasoning that you'll have to stop and have a snooze sometime, you begin to keep your eye out for anything that might provide reasonable accomodation. You don't think the world is quite prepared for tree-climbing hippos.

Written by Lupine

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