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I still had questions so i, still in the web but much happier about it, asked her. "Why did you bring me to this city though?" "Because we are here to protect you from the evil scorpions. They don't like you and they want to kill you" she said. "why" i asked. "Because they hate humans."Said the spider. "well thank you for saving me" i said. She smiled her happy smile. "You are welcome." she said happily. "Can i meet more spiders?" i asked. The Spider queen smiled "of course, but just so you know there really silly and they like to tickle people". she said. "I would still love to meet them" i said. "hehe". she giggled. "ok, come with me". She untangled me from the web and i rode on her back. She squllted past web after web until she came to the biggest web. It was 20ft tall. "This is where all of us spiders have meetings." she said. She gave out a call and hundreds of spiders came. I couldn't belive how many spiders. There were big ones and smalls. There were fat and skinny. Hairy and furry. Skinny. Some were huge, and some were itty bitty. They were of all shapes and sizes. They were of all colors too. There were black ones. Blue ones. Gray, red, yellow, green, brown, white, purple, even pink. They weren't scary at all though. Actually they were quite cute and silly. They all had eight legs and eight arms. They all had five fingers on each hand and wore gloves just like the Spider queen. The black spiders wore white. The blue spiders wore red. The red spiders wore blue, or pink, sometimes white or yellow. The yellow spiders wore white, black, or red. The green spiders wore yellow. The gray spiders wore black or brown. The brown spiders wore yellow or black. The white spiders wore pink, black, red, or yellow. The purple spiders wore green, or black. Finnaly the pink spiders wore green, or white, or red, or yellow. They all smiled and were very happy. The queen spider introduced me. They were all pleased to see me. The queen asked if i would like to sit in the big spider web so they could she me better. "yes i would" i said cause i was no longer afraid and webs were actually kinda fun. She took me up to the very middle of the big web. I asked the queen if they would like to tell me more of your advetures. She asked them and they said in there small squeeky spiders voices. "yes we would love to". The spider queen laughed and said "ok then". So the spiders all begun to climb up the web. I smiled cause i knew they would not hurt me. "Do you know who the Itsy Bitsy Spider is?" they asked. "Yes i have heard of her" I anwsered. " well" they smiled "would you like us to sing you the song of her adventures?" they asked. "Yes" i said. The spiders smiled and asked once more "may we tickle you as well, we love to tickle and it would be oh so much fun" they said. I smiled "if you want you may". They smiled and giggled and begun to crawl on me.
Written by an anonymous author
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