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The spiders begun to crawl on me. I felt hundreds of little fingers tickling me. The tickled me all over. The red spiders were tickling my toes. The Blue spiders my feet. The Green spiders my arms. The yellow spiders my neck. The brown spiders my back. The blacks spiders my arm pits. The white spiders my belly. The pink spiders my nose and cheeks and the purple spiders my hair. I giggled and laughed. "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" The spiders smiled and begun to sing to me. "Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the waterspout. Down Came the rain and washed the Spider out. Out Came the sun and dried up all the rain. so the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout agian". The spiders sung really good. I countinued to laugh and giggle. For some reason the tickiling did not hurt. They countinued to sing and tickle "The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the kitchen wall, whoosh went the fan and made the spider fall, off went the fan, no longer did it blow, so the itsy bitsy spider, back up the wall did go." "The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the tree. Down came the snow and made poor Itsy freeze. Out came the sunshine, and melted all the snow So Itsy Bitsy Spider had another go." "Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the stair.Whoosh went the wind and blew him in the air. Out came the sunshine, no longer did it blow So Itsy Bitsy Spider had another go.""Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the tree.She slipped in some dew and landed next to me. Out came the sunshine and when the dew was dry Itsy Bitsy Spider had another try." "Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed the curtain rail. Along came a mouse and flicked her with his tail.Down fell the spider, the mouse ran out the door So Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed the rail once more." " Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed to a height.Up jumped a cat and gave her quite a fright. Down jumped the cat and when he was asleep Itsy Bitsy Spider back up the wall did creep." I laughed and giggled as they tickled me. Then after they finished singing they stopped. "hehe" said the spiders "Did you have fun?" I smiled "yes, it was quite fun". The spiders asked "will you stay in spider city?" "I would love too." said I. The spiders all cheered.
Written by an anonymous author
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