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Mike came down stairs he was stern faced by not even in the least thinking I knew of what he was up to with his newest purchase.
It was a Saturday morning and for me that meant a day away from school and time to have fun. Yet with one's parents around the fun comes after chores about the house and I had mine as Mike had his.
The day passed quickly and I for one had all but forgot Mike's silly pills.
Sunday morning brought out Mike's pill bottle and while I faked sleeping in bed Mike again counted out thirty pills. Then after choking them down with a glass of water he took his tube of creme into the bathroom.
Breakfast, sweet rolls, and juice all around and the family was off to church.
Now we were having long prayer when from one end of the bench Mike jumped up and ran out the front doors of our church. I almost followed him, wondering if he was sick from all those fool pills he took, but Father reached over and held me back.
Once church was done and we all left, we drove home.
Mike was upstairs but had left a note taped to the bannister telling of his sick feeling stomach. It was a good excuse or so I thought since he'd ingested those crazy pills.
One of my chores on Sunday is to help Father set the dinning room's table for our family meal. As that was done I headed up to check on Mike.
As I opened the door to our bedroom Mike was laying face down on the bathroom floor. I first saw his bare feet sticking out past the door which is what drew my quick attention.
I called his name but he made not a sound. So kneeling down by him I rolled Mike over to be face up and then would have checked for any bumps.
Bumps, a word and a half word as Mike had grown where he had used the special body builder creme. Now he looked much larger there than in times when I'd happened to see him just strode out the shower to get his clothes.
Mike's shoulders looked puffed up as if the pills too were taking effect. He then groaned a little and began to come around. He became awake but not totally alert as I asked him some questions.
As my questions probed Mike's sudden chages he knew I knew of his recent purchase and the pills he'd taken. This seemed to anoy him or maybe embarress him as his temper flared.
To say the least we as brothers had heated words. I, with the call for dinner went down to eat my fill, Mike remained upstairs and crawled back into bed.
Mike slept all afternoon and into the night. I awoke about 3:00am to hear groaning coming from the bathroom. It was Mike and he sounded as if the pills had him tossing his cookies.
Getting up I yawned and went to the bathroom only to be met by a locked door.
I called to Mike several times without an answer or even a groaning. The emergency key was above the door's sash and I took it down twisting it in the small porthole of the knob which popped the lock.
As the door opened Mike said in a muffled tone, "Don't look at me!"
The small night light was on inside the bathroom giving it's seven watts of dull glow about the room. There standing with his back toward me stood Mike his hands on the counter, head hung down, standing with legs spread apart.
"You sick?" I asked him.
"Not sick, just stupid!" came Mike's reply.
At that I flicked on the ceiling light giving a full 60 watts of light but still not as blinding as the four lights above the sink. Mike moaned softly and then turned around granting me a fuller view of what he had for a problem.
Written by Kevin Rooste
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