[Berkley; 1986; 0425090817; $3.50] [BB]
- [Cause: MA Result: BX/AN.] An amusing fantasy
featuring a dragon-slaying prince trying to kill a maiden who has been transformed into a
pint-sized dragon. -42
- Any book that comes with sheet music in the back can't be all bad. Also, Chuq von
Rospach gave this book a ****+ out of 5 stars. -Ph
[Warner; 1989; 0446355917, $4.95] [BB]
- [Result: LY.] Lycanthropy. -83
- A werewolf story that never quite becomes a werewolf story. Crazed lunatic runs around a
la Jekyll & Hyde.
Disappointing. -87
[Warner; 1983; 0446301027, $3.95] [BB]
[ACE; 1978; 0441117392; $1.75] [BB]
- [Cause: MC? Result: BX/AN/IN.] The heroine can
get Tam Lin as her husband (essential; she's pregnant by him) only by holding on to him
while he's shapechanged into a snake, a redhot iron rod, etc. -82
[Clarion Seabury; 1978; 0816432120; $8.95 hardcover] [BB]
- A dozen fair-to-excellent transformation stories, listed elsewhere. -Ph
Werewolves (anthology) {Ph/154/}
[Harper & Row; 1988; 0060267984; $13.95 hardcover] [BB]
[Harpercrest; 1988; 0060267992; $?] [BB]
[Tor; 1995; ?; $21.95 hc]
- [Cause: AS/GM Result: BM/AN/PE.] Change
Consumer Genetic Enginering. Most changes in the book are cosmetic. Green skin look like
Madonna or Elvis. Grow taller, grow hair etc. Main bad guys are genetically changed
lunatics that look like hammerhead sharks with the sole perpose to kill all land based
lifeforms. Not only are their looks changed; so are their minds. Johnny, one of the heroes
of the book, is just as crazy as the hammerheads' leader. A must read when it comes out in
paper back. -110
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