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Books Short Stories Comics Movies
TV Resources Other Spoilers

How many matches should I find? (Help)

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Searching on the entire entry: (Help)

Are there words and/or phrases that must appear somewhere in the entry? (examples: fox, my favorite) If so, enter them here.
Entry must include: (Help) (Wildcards allowed)

Do you want to find entries with at least one of those words/phrases, or with all of them? (In other words, do you want me to do an AND or an OR?) (Help)

Are there words/phrases that must not appear in the entry? If so, enter them here. (If an entry contains any of these words/phrases, it will be left out.)
Entry must not include: (Help) (Wildcards allowed)

Should I look for parts of words? (For example, if you're looking for "wolf", should I find "werewolf"?) (Help)

Should I ignore case in these words/phrases? (For example, if you're looking for "coyote", should I find "Coyote"?) (Help)

Do you want to find entries that were last modified within a certain range of dates? If so, please enter the dates below. If not, just leave these menus alone.
Find entries last modified on or after... (Help) Find entries last modified on or before... (Help)

Searching on particular parts of the entry: (Help)

You can also specify things that must appear, or must not appear, in particular parts of the entry. These combine with the overall search you've given above.  (For example, if you search for fox, and also specify a Result of LY, then you'll only find lycanthropy stories that mention foxes.)

Again, if you don't care about a particular part of the entry, leave it blank.

Title: Enter the title, or part of a title, here; for example, Childhood's End or Howling. (Help) (Wildcards allowed)
Title must contain:
Title must not contain:

Author: Enter that author, or part of an author, here, as it would appear on the list; for example, Chalker, Jack, or just Chalker. (Help) (Wildcards allowed)
Author must contain:
Author must not contain:

Please read this! The following lists allow multiple selections. For example, if you want to search for entries with a Rating of 4 or 5, you can select both the "4" and the "5" in the Entry list. If you don't care about a particular field--for example, if you don't care about the Rating--just select the Don't Care option, or leave the whole field blank. Don't select everything; doing that will just slow down your search.

Rating: Do you want to look for, and/or exclude, works with a particular Rating? If so, select one or more:
Rating must include: (Help)
Rating must not include: (Help)

Cause: Do you want to look for, and/or exclude, works with a particular Cause? If so, select one or more:
Cause must include: (Help)
Cause must not include: (Help)

Result: Do you want to look for, and/or exclude, works with a particular Result? If so, select one or more:
Result must include: (Help)
Result must not include: (Help)

Significance: Do you want to look for, and/or exclude, works with a particular Significance rating? If so, select one or more:
Significance must include: (Help)
Significance must not include: (Help)

Description: Do you want to look for works with a particular Description rating? If so, select one or more:
Description must include: (Help)
Description must not include: (Help)

Saturation: Do you want to look for works with a particular Saturation rating? If so, select one or more:
Saturation must include: (Help)
Saturation must not include: (Help)

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