[Virgin; 1992; 0426203854; ?] [BB]
[London Bridge Mass Market; 1993; 0426203844; $6.99] [BB]
- Rating: 3 Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: -. A
book in the "New Adventures of Dr. Who" series. An incorporeal entity invades a
teleportational subway network in the earth's future. It captures some people, turning
them into its minions by both taking over their minds and physically transforming them
into powerful killers. -103
[Pocket; 1991; 0671742515; $6.99] [BBT]
- Rating: 2 Significance: -. The sequel to Dirk
Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. -11
- Certain Norse gods deal with perceived pests by transformation. A lurking refrigerator
transforms itself into a new horror. -40
[Pinnacle; 1990; 1558173358, $4.50] [BB]
- [Result: LY.] Lycanthropy. -83
- Giggle. Snort. Nazi werewolves. Thousands of Nazi werewolves. Trying to take over the
world. Reads like it was James Bond meets Godzilla. A few good scenes are overwhelmed by
the tacky climax. -87
- Lycanthropy. -154
[Puffin; ?; 0140319964; $?] [BB]
[Viking; 1986; 0670808326; $11.95] [BB]
- [Rating: 3 Result: BX/AN Significance: 0 Description: +
Saturation: +.] Summary: (from the back of the book) "Eric is a perfectly
ordinary boy. Perfectly ordinary that is, until the night when, safely tucked up in bed,
he slowly but surely turns into a dog! What becomes of Eric--the adventures he has with
his best friend Roy, and their joint efforts to puzzle out the reason for his
transformation--makes a very funny and entirely believable book."
Personal Notes: It was a good read, the transformations descriptive and somewhat
saturated. Important (integral, in fact) to the plot. Probably a 3 of 4, good but not one
you would read several times over. -148 (98/02/11)
[New American Library; 1985; 0879979917; $?] [BB]
- Poorly-written high-tech sword & sorcery with werewolves as cannon fodder. Nifty
cover on the first printing. -87
- [Result: LY.] Lycanthropy. -154
[Helliconia Spring:
Berkley; 1984; 0425073289; $3.50] [BR] [BB] [BBT]
[Helliconia Spring: Berkley; 1983; 0425061868; $?] [BB]
[Helliconia Summer: Berkley; 1988;
0441326323; $?] [BB] [BBT]
[Helliconia Winter: Berkley; 1987;
0441326293; $?] [BB] [BBT]
- Summer/winter climate adaptation. -22
[Pocket; 1985; 0671559990; $2.95] [BB]
[Bantam Spectra; 1992; 0553295594; ?] [BB]
- Rating: 5 Significance: + Description: + Saturation: -. A
dying inventor transfers his mind into a robot's brain, the first such transfer to ever be
done. The story is about the legal battle that ensues, as the government tries to prove
that he's legally dead so that a class of wealthy immortals won't develop and his wife
defends him. Her job is complicated by the fact that the transfer went slightly wrong, and
her husband isn't fully aware or in control. In fact, she believes that he didn't survive
but wants to make sure that others in the future can try the same thing he did. Did I
mention that she's a quadruple amputee? -103
[Pocket; 1990; 0671671847; $4.50]! [BB]
[Hyperion; 1997; 0786803835; $11.95]! [BB]
- About a mermaid who becomes human. -3
[Ballantine; 1974; 345-24685-3-150; $1.50] [BB]
[Ballantine; 1985; 0345325214; $?] [BB]
[Berkley; 1978; 0425037509; $1.75] [BB]
[Baen; 1992; 067172102X; $3.99] [BB]
- [Result: LY.] [One of] the two classic werewolf-as-hero
stories. -10
- Series; Fantasy; lycanthropy; not read. -11
- One of the main characters is a werewolf. -31
[Berkley; 1978; 425-03680-4; ?] [BB]
[Baen; 1993; 0671721860; $4.99] [BB]
- On a list of transformation stories, but not read. -Ph
[Viking; 1985; 0140350675; $?] [BB]
- [Result: MT.] ...Several films were made almost
simultaneously a few years back about adolescent boys swapping bodies with grown men - one
was actually given the title "Vice Versa" - but none had the grace to
acknowledge Anstey's inspiration... C.S. Lewis said that the book communicates, better
than any realistic novel, the dreadful experience of leaving a snug middle-class home for
the horrors of an English boarding school. -117
- BTW, all of Piers Anthony's in-print books are available directly from Piers by calling
1-800-HI-PIERS. -163
[1:Split Infinity:
Ballantine; 1987; 0345354915; $5.95] [BB]
[2:Blue Adept: Ballantine; 1991; 0345352459;
$5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[3:Juxtaposition: Ballantine; 1991;
0345349342; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[4:Out of Phaze: Ace; 1994; 0441644651;
$5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[5:Robot Adept: Ace; 1989; 044173118X; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[6:Unicorn Point: Ace; 1990; 0441846530;
$5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[7:Phaze Doubt: Ace; 1994; 0441662633; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
- My wife's rating: Significance: + Description: - Saturation:
X. -11
- All seven...books involve shapechangers--primarily werewolves and shapechanging
unicorns. -42
- There is also an alien whose native form is a blob of jello, which can shapeshift to any
form. (Unimportant to the plot; allows some things to take place, but they could have been
accomplished in other ways.) -54
- It includes both rampant shapechanging and mind/body exchanges as the major staples of
the plot. -158
[1:Cluster: Avon; 1977;
0380017555; $2.95] [BB] [BBT]
[2:Chaining the Lady: Avon; 1978;
0380017792; $2.50] [BB] [BBT]
[3:Kirlian Quest: Avon; 1978; 0380017784;
$?]* [BB] [BBT]
[4:Thousandstar: Avon; 1980; 0380755564;
$?] [BB] [BBT]
[5:Viscous Circle: Avon; 1982;
0380798972; $?] [BB] [BBT]
- On Cluster alone:
- On all above:
- [Result: MT?/ST?.] Deals with the transportation of a
person's 'mind and soul?' into other bodies. I really enjoyed the idea behind Viscous
Circle. -18
- ...Has one/several(?) stories involving a consciousness transference, allowing beings to
enter the bodies of aliens (a bit of a stretch for transformation). -20
[1:On a Pale Horse:
Ballantine; 1989; 0345338588; $5.95] [BB]
[2:Bearing an Hourglass: Ballantine;
1991; 0345313151; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[3:With a Tangled Skein: Ballantine;
1990; 0345318854; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[4:Wielding a Red Sword: Ballantine;
1987; 0345322215; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[5:Being a Green Mother: Ballantine;
1990; 0345322231; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[6:For Love of Evil: Avon; 1996;
0380752859; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[7:And Eternity: Avon; 1991; 0380752867;
$5.99] [BB] [BBT] {/11/}
- On On a Pale Horse only:
- Rating: 5 Cause: MA Result: BX Significance: + Description: 0
Saturation: 0. ...The main transformation is the hero becoming Death... Definitely his
best book and a pretty good fantasy book in general. It doesn't have all the awful puns
which ruin his other work. There are transformation themes throughout the books...(a ring
that becomes a snake and Satan turns into other things and so on)..., but in particular in
On a Pale Horse there is a really cool one--a horse that changes into a car!
This is used quite extensively throughout the book. [The rest of the series is not
recommended.] -90
- On And Eternity only:
- Cause: MA Result: GC Significance: 0. Fantasy; Not
read... A woman is magically transformed into a man, and rapes the woman she's travelling
with. To provide justice, a goddess changes the first woman back, transforms the second
woman into a man, and allows her/him to rape the first woman. Don't know about the rest of
the book, but it is the seventh book in an Anthony N-ology..." -11
- The description you got of the TG in And Eternity is inaccurate. The Goddess
changes the first women into a man, who tries to rape the other women,
intercedes(offers herself) and then reverses the positions, and has sex with the second
women to teach them a lesson about male nature. I would also like to recommend For Love
of Evil. -158 (98/02/14)
[Avon; 1969; 0380002094; $3.95] [BB]
[Tor; 1987; 0812531035; $3.95] [BB]
- [Result: MT.] Features a tree which telepathically
records the experiences of all beings near it, in complete accuracy and detail. The hero's
consciousness is transferred to the tree, and he experiences many, including rape and
getting shot as a deer. -158 (98/02/14)
[1:A Spell for Chameleon:
Ballantine; 1987; 0-345-34753-6; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[2:The Source of Magic: Ballantine;
1990; 0-345-35058-8; $5.95] [BB]
[3:Castle Roogna: Ballantine; 1989;
0-345-35048-0; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[4:Centaur Aisle: Ballantine; 1990;
0-345-35246-7; $4.95] [BB] [BBT]
[5:Ogre, Ogre: Ballantine; 1990; 0-345-35492-3;
$5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[6:Night Mare: Ballantine; 1990; 0-345-35493-1;
$5.95]! [BB] [BBT]
[7:Dragon on a Pedestal: Ballantine;
1990; 0-345-34936-9; $5.95] [BB]
[8:Crewel Lye, A Caustic Yarn:
Ballantine; 1989; 0-345-34599-1; $5.95] [BB] [BBT]
[9:Golem in the Gears: Ballantine;
1989; 0-345-31886-2; $5.95] [BB]
[10:Vale of the Vole: Avon; 1987;
0-380-75287-5; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[11:Heaven Cent: Avon; 1988; 0-380-75288-3;
$5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[12:Man from Mundania: Avon; 1990;
0-380-75289-1; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[13:Isle of View: Avon; 1990; 0-380-75947-0;
$4.95] [BB] [BBT]
[14:Question Quest: Avon; 1991;
0-380-75948-9; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[15:The Color of Her Panties:
Avon; 1992; 0-380-75949-7; $5.99] [BB]
[16:Demons Don't Dream: Tor; 1996;
0-812-53483-2; $5.99] [BB] [BBT]
[17:Harpy Thyme: Tor; 1995; 0-812-53484-0;
$5.99] [BB] [BBT]
- [Result: BX/AN.] There are about fourteen Xanth books out
so far, and all involve some shape-changing, especially given that Dolph, the
protagonist of the more recent Xanth books, is a shape-changer. This should not be read as
a recommendation. -42
Where to from here?
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